Solving or Stagnating a Decades Long Problem? U.S. policy towards the Israeli – Palestinian conflict under President Biden

  • 1 Warsaw School of Economics, Poland


The Middle East has been of primary interest for the following American presidents and administrations since the mid-20th Century. The Israeli Palestinian conflict is an indisputable element of the Middle East and is nearly as long as American strategic interest in the region. Shaping American policy towards the Israeli Palestinian conflict has been of different importance to U.S. Presidents, but the twostate solution has predominantly dominated as a viable solution, despite the fact that Israel has been favored. Donald Trump had a different approach towards the actors of the conflict and the possible solution, in action, discontinuing efforts towards the two-state solution. The current U.S. President, Joe Biden, in his approach towards Israel and Palestine is loyal towards the more traditional American stance. This paper, based on the study of key documents, presents a comparative analysis of the former and present U.S. Presidents, showing how a contemporary, more even-handed, approach, building civil societies, and engaging regional players, might result in future peace between Israel and Palestine.



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