Establishment of training of specialists in agricultural engineering at the kyiv polytechnic institute

  • 1 National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine


Together with the foundation of Kyiv Polytechnic Institute in 1898, it was introduced at its Agricultural Department to teach the academic discipline “Mechanics in Adaptation to Agriculture”, which will be called “Agricultural Mechanics” in the future. Three years later, that is, in 1902, students of this department began to study this subject, having previously studied the subject “Elementary Mechanics” at the beginning of the III year. Soon, after a period of time, the students of the Mechanical Department began to study a subject called “Agricultural Mechanical Engineering”. It was from 1906–1908 that students of both departments began to carry out socalled “Special projects” in agricultural engineering during their studies, and in the following years to carry out diploma projects dedicated to this area of science and study. The teaching of the specified subjects, as well as the students’ careful study of real agricultural machines and tools that worked in the field at the Kyiv Machine Testing Station at the Polytechnic Institute (the students even took part in the tests themselves) and gives grounds for the assertion that the organization of training specialists in in the field of agricultural engineering began at the Kyiv Polytechnic Institute at the indicated times.



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