Research on the development of agricultural mechanics in Ukraine based on the study of the works of her patriarch, academician Petro Vasylenko
- 1 National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine
The article presents a study of the development of agricultural mechanics in Ukraine based on the coverage of scientific works in the areas of research of its patriarch, academician of VASGNIL, academician of the Ukrainian Academy of Agrarian Sciences, corresponding member of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Professor Petro Vasylenko. The article analyzes not only his personal scientific works, but also the research of his immediate students. Academician Petro Vasylenko is known far beyond the borders of Ukraine for his fundamental research not only in agricultural mechanics, but also in the theory and methods of calculation of tillage,
sowing, grain harvesting and beet harvesting machines, as well as in the dynamics and stability of agricultural machinery. Petro Vasylenko was also awarded the highest award in the field of agricultural mechanics, the V.P. Goryachkin Gold Medal, for his outstanding scientific contribution to the development of the theory and practice of agricultural mechanics and for the creation of a scientific school. This award was given only to outstanding scientists with a worldwide reputation who enriched the treasury of scientific knowledge with fundamental works in the field of agricultural engineering aspects of agriculture.
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