Cognitive styles affecting the performance of research and development (R&D) employees in the era of Industry 4.0
- 1 Faculty of Mechanical Engineering - Akdeniz University, Turkey
- 2 Faculty of Social Policy and Labor Relations- Akdeniz University, Turkey
Cognitive style is how people think, based on certain attitudes, perceptions and personality orientations. Cognitive styles are considered as basic elements for successful performance. Cognitive style is thought to predict performance in two ways: by allowing employees to quickly learn job-related knowledge and by processing information resulting in better decision making. But cognitive styles have received much less attention than they deserve, given their importance to employee’s functioning. The relationship between cognitive style and performance is not completely understood in scientific research. In this context, the thinking styles and performances of people working in Research and Development (R & D) departments such as other work places are determined by these cognitive styles, and it is important to research this in the era of Industry 4.0.
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