Analysis of Different Energy Efficiency Technologies Based on Cost and Return of Investment

  • 1 Politecnic University of Tirana, Tirana, Albania


Application of different retrofitting technologies can play a significant role in reducing energy consumption of existing buildings. This research work analyses a building in Cork (Ireland) where underfloor heating system, and natural ventilation are used to maintain comfort conditions. Underfloor heating system is the main electricity consumer of this building. Different energy efficient technologies were implemented and analyzed in terms of reducing electricity consumption through an energy software. These technologies include replacing illumination with high efficiency light; replacement of electric motos with high efficiency; introducing underfloor heating time scheduling turning on and off based on predicted weather condition; installation of presence sensors to switch ON/OFF lighting. Finally, it was decided to implement underfloor heating time scheduling as energy efficient technology to be analyzed because of limited budget available and high return on investments provided by applying this method. Result analysis shows that electricity saving on bills was about 20% on monthly basis compared to previous consumption.



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