Improving the reliability of instruments for measuring and thermal control of objects of different physical nature by the finish electron-beam processing surfaces of optical elements
- 1 Department of Electrotechnical Systems, Cherkassy State Technological University, Ukraine
- 2 Faculty of instrument-making, National Technical University of Ukraine "Kiev Polytechnic Institute", Ukraine
- 3 Department of organization of technogenic-prevention work and health safety, Cherkassy Institute of Fire Safety named after Heroes of Chornobyl of National University of Civil Protection of Ukraine, Ukraine
- 4 Department of Physics, Cherkassy State Technological University, Ukraine
The optimum ranges of the electron beam parameters change (density of heat exposure and speed of movement), within which there is a substantial improvement (more than 2 … 3 times) of the basic properties of the surface layers of the optical elements are found. The tests of the optical windows of laser rangefinders under intensive external heating and hemispherical optical fairings of IR devices at supersonic blowing by air flow and axisymmetric rotation that simulate real operating conditions, have shown that in the case of processed by electron beam optical windows and fairings it reduces the number of their destruction and increases the reliability of the devices during the operation, taking into account the impact of external-heat.
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- ДСТУ 2860-94. Надійність техніки. Методи оцінки показників надійності за експериментальними даними. (Reliability engineering. Methods for assessing the reliability indices for the experimental data.)