Fabrication and mechanical testing of compacted and extruded specimens made of aluminium alloys chips
- 1 Institute of Metal Science, Equipment and Technologies with Hydro- and aerodynamics Centre “Acad. A. Balevski“– Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
- 2 Institute of Mechanics – Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia, Bulgaria; Institute of Metal Science, Equipment and Technologies with Hydro- and aerodynamics Centre “Acad. A. Balevski“– Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
- 3 Institute of Mechanics – Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia, Bulgaria
Four types of aluminium alloys (two casting and two plastically deformable) were used in the present study. A special press mould for compacting the aluminium alloy chips and subsequent extrusion of the resulting compacts was designed and manufactured. The compressive strength of the obtained samples was investigated, in relation to their chemical composition and technological parameters during their fabrication. The results of the research are presented in tabular and graphic form. It was established that compacted samples from AW-6082, AC-48000 and AW-2024 alloy possess high compression strength (in the range of 766 – 866 MPa) under compression loading at 60% deformation. It seems that the extrusion process improves compression properties of AW-2024 and AC-48000 alloy but has negative effect on AW-6082 and AC-42000.
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