Investigation of Heat-Treated Steels Using the Magnetic Noise Method

  • 1 Institute of Mechanics at Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia, Bulgaria
  • 2 Sofia Univers ity “St.Kliment Ohridski”, Faculty of Physics, Sofia, Bulgaria


This paper presents the results of an investigation conducted on samples of high-quality heat-treated carbon steel using the magnetic noise method. The objective of the work was to find the proper informative parameters for identifying the obtained s tructures with different hardness. To this end, samples were prepared using quenching and tempering heat treatment at different temperatures , from 150°C to 500°C. After microstructural analysis and hardness measurements, the samples were investigated using the magnetic noise method. The signals were visualized and analyzed using a digital oscilloscope and the Multi Instrument 3.8 software program. The RMS informative parameters and the registration time of the magnetic noise signals were used to identify the obtained microstructures with different characteristics and hardness.



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