Financial project for building a technological line and factory for the production of yellow pavers, tiles and other products

  • 1 Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Metal Science, Equipment and Technologies with Hydro and Aerodynamics Centre “Acad. Angel Balevski”, Sofia, Bulgaria


A financial project was presented for the construction of a technological line for the production of high-quality replicas of the socalled “yellow paving stones” and an additional assortment of products with different characteristics based on raw materials originating in Bulgaria. After many years of investigation in laboratory and semi-industrial conditions, polycomponent formulations and an original hightemperature technological regime for the preparation of functional and long-lasting silicate products have been developed. The planned technological approach is in accordance with the existing machine park and the qualification of the industrial production personnel, characteristic of the silicate industry. The main possibilities for the realization of the production are the full restoration of the street areas of the central historical part of Sofia and the construction of long-lasting and aesthetic pavements with a variety of functional purposes in different areas of the capital and other populated areas. The current applied development is oriented towards possible potential producers and investors and various specialists from the field of public infrastructure and cultural-historical heritage.



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