Major operational characteristics of an innovative ceramic beehive
- 1 Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Metal Science, Equipment and Technologies with Hydro- and Aerodynamics Centre “Acad. Angel Balevski”, Bulgaria
Prototypes of an innovative collapsible beehive, built of long-lasting, structural elements of quartz ceramics with high atmospheric resistance and the presence of air cavities with thermal insulation properties, were prepared. Prescription compositions, an original set of molds, and an adequate heat treatment regime applicable to obtain the structural details were developed. The role of the various technological factors in the formation of the performance indicators of the end products was analyzed. The main characteristics of the prepared experimental prototypes and their major functional advantages in comparison with the existing standard and traditional hives were observed. The presented innovative beehive provides a favorable natural habitat for the normal and safe development of bee families and allows the full application of modern approaches for the efficient and ecological production of high-quality natural apian products.
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