The impact of COV – 19 pandemic on use of public transport in selected city in Slovakia

  • 1 University of Zilina, Slovakia


The aim of the article was to analyze the impact of lockdowns carried out during the Covid-19 pandemic in Slovakia in the years 2020 and 2021 on changes in public transport utilization in a selected locality. The sample city was the city of Košice in Slovakia and the sample contained data about the number of transported persons by public transport in this city during single days in the years 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021.
We created weekly time series from line graphs compiled for separate years. Subsequently, we analyzed the dynamics of individual time series using calculations of absolute and relative increments, basic indices, growth coefficients, absolute increment and total growth coefficient, and we modeled trends in time analysis and exponential adjustment for the observed years. We compared the years before the pandemic (2018, 2019) with the years most affected by the Corona crisis (2020, 2021). We evaluated the obtained data in the context of the timeline of ongoing lockdowns.



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