Studies to establish evapotranspiration and biophysical coefficients of pears grown in drip irrigation

  • 1 Institute of Soil Science, Agro-Technology and Plant Protection “Nikola Pushkarov", Sofia, Bulgaria


To determine the total and average evapotranspiration of pears during its cultivation under soil and meteorological conditions in the area of the village of Chelopechene – Sofia, studies were conducted on drip irrigation (KP-4.6 drip trays) of pear plantation of the variety “Hardenponova maslovka”.
Meteorological conditions during the study period influenced the size and daily average values of culture evapotranspiration.
The total evapotranspiration for the pear growth period of 536 mm was determined, and the daily values of biophysical coefficients Z, R and Kp were calculated for practical use and design, which depend on the biological features of the crop and the meteorological factors.



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