Table of Contents


    • Research on the development of agricultural mechanics in Ukraine based on the study of the works of her patriarch, academician Petro Vasylenko

      pg(s) 147-149

      The article presents a study of the development of agricultural mechanics in Ukraine based on the coverage of scientific works in the areas of research of its patriarch, academician of VASGNIL, academician of the Ukrainian Academy of Agrarian Sciences, corresponding member of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Professor Petro Vasylenko. The article analyzes not only his personal scientific works, but also the research of his immediate students. Academician Petro Vasylenko is known far beyond the borders of Ukraine for his fundamental research not only in agricultural mechanics, but also in the theory and methods of calculation of tillage,
      sowing, grain harvesting and beet harvesting machines, as well as in the dynamics and stability of agricultural machinery. Petro Vasylenko was also awarded the highest award in the field of agricultural mechanics, the V.P. Goryachkin Gold Medal, for his outstanding scientific contribution to the development of the theory and practice of agricultural mechanics and for the creation of a scientific school. This award was given only to outstanding scientists with a worldwide reputation who enriched the treasury of scientific knowledge with fundamental works in the field of agricultural engineering aspects of agriculture.

    • Mathematical modelling of oscillatory movements cleaner of the heads of root cultures from remains on the root

      pg(s) 150-153

      Harvesting root crops still poses a challenging problem for the agricultural mechanization industry. Even though the technology of separate harvesting of tops and roots has undoubted advantages, the quality of the final product, i.e. roots, depends significantly on the accuracy of cutting tops from their heads to the roots and the thoroughness of their final cleaning from residues. One of the ways to solve this problem is to create improved constructions of peelers and their further testing, experimental and theoretical studies to determine their optimal structural and kinematic parameters. To implement the above, a new mathematical model was constructed, the study of which made it possible to assess the influence of the construction parameters of the root crop head cleaner from the residues of tops on the root on the indicators of its oscillatory process in the longitudinal-vertical plane when moving along uneven soil surfaces. Numerical calculations of the obtained mathematical model were carried out on a PC using the PTC Mathcad 15 software environment and the previously determined input numerical parameters. The amplitude-frequency and phase-frequency characteristics were constructed, which made it possible to determine the optimal parameters of this oscillatory system. Based on the mathematical modelling performed, the influence of irregularities in the longitudinal profile of the soil surface on the angular oscillations of the cleaner, as well as the influence of different values of the stiffness coefficient c and the damping coefficient μ of its two copy wheels, as well as the length l, or the longitudinal coordinate of their placement on the cleaner frame, was first of all determined. The mathematical modelling of the oscillatory movements of the cleaner made it possible to establish that the value of the stiffness coefficient c of the pneumatic tires of its trailing wheels should be not less than 315 kNm–1, which is ensured by the air pressure in its tires, which should be equal to 135 kPa. In addition, it has been established that the change in the value of the coefficient μ of damping of the tires of the cleaner’s tracking wheels should be in the following range 350…1350 Nsm–1 and this parameter does not affect the amplitude and phase frequency characteristics of oscillations under the influence of oscillations of the ordinates of the longitudinal profile of field surface irregularities in the frequency range 0…24 s–1. Also, the influence of oscillations of the longitudinal profile ordinates of the field in the specified frequency range of 0…24 s–1 depends little on the change in the value of the longitudinal coordinate l of the location of its tracing wheels. Therefore, the placement of the tracing wheels on the frame should be determined based on the constructional features of the cleaner.

    • Investigation of the side ventilation system in the poultry house using CFD

      pg(s) 154-157

      Maintaining a standardized microclimate in the poultry house is one of the main factors. It is the quality of the air parameters that ultimately determines the quality of the product output. Poultry at its maintenance requires great efforts and technological solutions. In this regard, the study is to improve the system of microclimate in the air environment of the poultry house by including exhaust fans on the rear end wall in a non-traditional way. Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) using ANSYS Fluent is a powerful tool for predicting the microclimate system in the poultry house as an alternative to experimental studies. According to the results of CFD modeling of hydrodynamics and heat and mass transfer processes, it was concluded that changing the spoiler angle by 73° allows to supply air to the center of the house. At the same time the pressure drop at the inlet valves is 70.48 Pa, which allows to fully provide the exhaust fan. The air velocity at the inlet of the supply valves is 11.57 m·s–1. The average air velocity at a height of 0.7 m from floor level is 0.46 m·s–1and the temperature is 15.94 ℃. Thus, the presented scientific research can be used in the future in the development of new ventilation systems of poultry houses.

    • Investigation of the influence of crop cultivation technologies on soil compaction in the steppe zone of Ukraine

      pg(s) 158-161

      The article presents the results of the action of agricultural machinery on soil compaction – chernozems. The dependence of changes in soil compaction on crop cultivation technologies is shown. A comparison is made for such technologies as No-Tillage and traditional. The technique used in these technologies is analyzed. Conclusions were made and recommendations were given to reduce the negative impact of technology on the soil.

    • Research and use of modern training technologies in training agricultural engineers

      pg(s) 162-165

      The article considers the direction in pedagogical science, which studies the methods and technology of teaching disciplines that provide effective assimilation of generalized professional knowledge, formation of general engineering skills and abilities. The article considers the methodology of teaching general engineering disciplines – a direction in pedagogical science, which studies the principles, content, methods, means and forms of organization of educational process for the study of general engineering disciplines, providing effective assimilation of generalized professional knowledge, the formation of general engineering skills and abilities. Methodology of teaching general engineering disciplines is a direction in pedagogical science that studies the principles, content, methods, means and forms of organization of educational and teaching process for the study of general engineering disciplines, providing effective assimilation of generalized professional knowledge, formation of general engineering skills and abilities. Teaching methodology is closely related to the relevant science, as teaching should reflect the features of this science, its content and research methods. And yet it is impossible to derive the main provisions of the subject methodology from a certain field of science, reflecting the given training subject. These are qualitatively different sciences. Methodology of a particular subject is connected not only with a particular scientific branch, but also with philosophy, pedagogy, didactics, psychology, logic, physiology. The difference between teaching methodology and the corresponding science predetermines different methods of research. In methodological research, along with theoretical analysis of problems, the study of teachers’ and lecturers’ work experience, pedagogical observation and pedagogical experiment play a great role. As a result, one of the fundamental principles of teaching special disciplines in agricultural engineering training is the synthesis of fundamental general scientific and technical knowledge. In the process of teaching through certain methods and means of teacher’s and students’ activity there is a selection, interrelation and synthesis of concepts describing different levels of representation of generalized technical objects, technological processes. The second methodological principle is the holistic representation of technical objects and modern technologies of the studied industries in the training material. In this case, the training itself can be based on the wide use of so-called SMARTtechnologies, i.e. interactive learning complexes that will allow to create, edit and distribute multimedia training materials both in classroom and out-of-classroom time. The purpose of this study is to determine the implementation of the methodology of teaching general engineering disciplines to students, future engineers of agrarian production, aimed at the formation and development of different levels and types of professional competencies of students. The study of the methodology of modern technologies implementation in the educational process.


    • The land bank, a tool to increase the effectiveness of land use in Albania

      pg(s) 166-167

      Land banking in many countries has proven to play a crucial role in adapting land use structures to new social and economic realities. From an overview of this issue in Europe, it seems that there are many organizational forms of the land bank. There are also a variety of targets, tools and instruments used. Land banking is defined as the process of mediating the lease, purchase or sale of land by a public or private institution, in order to increase its effective use as well as the mobility of land and to facilitate its use. The land bank can also be established by private initiative.

    • Effect of different irrigation and fertilization rates on the yield of three tomato genotypes grown in greenhouse conditions

      pg(s) 168-171

      In order to determine the influence of different rates of irrigation and fertilization on the growth, yield, and some yield-related characteristics of three genotypes of tomatoes, research was carried out at IVCM – Plovdiv in an unheated steel-glass greenhouse of the “Venlo” type. The experiment was carried out with three modes of irrigation: optimal – 100%, reduced – 75%, and increased – 125%, using water-saving irrigation technologies and three modes of fertilization – optimal – 100%, reduced – 75%, and increased fertilization – 150%. The amount of watering and irrigation norms, the number of waterings for the growing season of greenhouse tomatoes were determined based on soil type, and climatic conditions in the region of Plovdiv. An optimal or high irrigation rate combined with reduced or optimal fertilization leads to maximum yields in all three tomato varieties. A specific reaction of the variety was observed – in “Hayet” and “Pink rock ”varieties, maximum yields (14.1 t/ha and 8.8 t/ha) were obtained in the variants with 100%/75%, while in the “Malduo” variety, the highest yield was obtained (8.6 t/ha) in the variant with 125%/100%, irrigation/fertilizer rate. In the three studied varieties of tomatoes, the lowest yield was reported when the irrigation rate was reduced by 25%, which shows that the reduction of the irrigation rate by 25% is within the limits of the critical, while the reduction of the fertilizer rate by 25% is permissible.