The article considers the direction in pedagogical science, which studies the methods and technology of teaching disciplines that provide effective assimilation of generalized professional knowledge, formation of general engineering skills and abilities. The article considers the methodology of teaching general engineering disciplines – a direction in pedagogical science, which studies the principles, content, methods, means and forms of organization of educational process for the study of general engineering disciplines, providing effective assimilation of generalized professional knowledge, the formation of general engineering skills and abilities. Methodology of teaching general engineering disciplines is a direction in pedagogical science that studies the principles, content, methods, means and forms of organization of educational and teaching process for the study of general engineering disciplines, providing effective assimilation of generalized professional knowledge, formation of general engineering skills and abilities. Teaching methodology is closely related to the relevant science, as teaching should reflect the features of this science, its content and research methods. And yet it is impossible to derive the main provisions of the subject methodology from a certain field of science, reflecting the given training subject. These are qualitatively different sciences. Methodology of a particular subject is connected not only with a particular scientific branch, but also with philosophy, pedagogy, didactics, psychology, logic, physiology. The difference between teaching methodology and the corresponding science predetermines different methods of research. In methodological research, along with theoretical analysis of problems, the study of teachers’ and lecturers’ work experience, pedagogical observation and pedagogical experiment play a great role. As a result, one of the fundamental principles of teaching special disciplines in agricultural engineering training is the synthesis of fundamental general scientific and technical knowledge. In the process of teaching through certain methods and means of teacher’s and students’ activity there is a selection, interrelation and synthesis of concepts describing different levels of representation of generalized technical objects, technological processes. The second methodological principle is the holistic representation of technical objects and modern technologies of the studied industries in the training material. In this case, the training itself can be based on the wide use of so-called SMARTtechnologies, i.e. interactive learning complexes that will allow to create, edit and distribute multimedia training materials both in classroom and out-of-classroom time. The purpose of this study is to determine the implementation of the methodology of teaching general engineering disciplines to students, future engineers of agrarian production, aimed at the formation and development of different levels and types of professional competencies of students. The study of the methodology of modern technologies implementation in the educational process.