Development of a simulation model of an information-measuring system of electrical characteristics of the functional coatings of electronic devices

  • 1 Cherkasy State Technological University, Cherkasy, Ukraine


The article develops a simulation model (based on the MatLab Simulink mathematical processor) of an information-measuring system of electrical characteristics (residual surface electric charge, surface layer capacity, etc.) of functional coatings of electronic devices. The main purpose of the simulation model was to determine the rational parameters of measurement and control of the informationmeasuring system developed by the authors, which would simplify the process of setting up such a system, as well as explore the dynamic modes of its operation. The main advantage of the developed simulation model is the ability to conduct an interactive study of the operation of the information-measuring system under various, including limiting, modes. Tests of the simulation model of the information-measuring system made it possible to study its operation under various conditions and modes of the measurement experiment, as well as to virtually determine the rational operating parameters of such a measurement and control system. A satisfactory discrepancy of 8-11,5% was established for the experimental results compared with the data obtained analytically, which proves the correctness and adequacy of the compiled model.



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