Determining the quality of renovation layers by using nano HVOF coatings

  • 1 Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Technical university of Kosice, Slovakia


The paper presents the results of the research aimed at determining the quality of coatings applied by the HVOF spray coating technology and the advances in its application. WC-Co-Cr 86/10/4 nano covers were evaluated at two grain sizes. The effect of nano particle size on coatings quality was evaluated under abrasive wear conditions with bound abrasive in the initial state and after thermal cyclic loading. Coating thickness measurements, microhardness and structural analysis of the coatings were performed. As the number of thermal cycles increased, the hardness of the coatings increased. A thermal load between 600 and 800 ° C results in the crystallization of the amorphous phase, which leads to the precipitation of the WC phase from the Co-Cr matrix, and thus to an increase in the microhardness of the coating. The REM analysis of the structure of nano coatings confirmed that the exposure of the samples to the thermal load had an influence on their structural  composition. As the number of thermal cycles increased, the wear of the coatings under dry friction conditions increased.



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