The methodology of functional modifiers choice for nanocomposites based on industrial thermoplastics
- 1 Molder Ltd – Grodno, Belarus
The methodological principles for the implementation of the concept of multilevel modification of polymer matrices by components with given energy parameters to obtain nanocomposites with a synergistic com-bination of performance characteristics have been developed.
These principles based on:
– established crystal-chemical prerequisites for the natural and synthetic carbon-, metal- and silicon-containing semi-finished products choice for the directed formation of active nanosized particles with given structural, morphological and energy parameters under optimal technological impact (mechanical and chemical, thermal, laser);
– implementation of the conditions for the energetic compliance of nanomodifiers to the prevailing mechanism for the formation of the optimal structure of polymer, oligomer and blend matrices at various levels of organization – molecular, supramolecular and interphase;
– creating the conditions for the reveal of the prevailing mechanisms of interphase physical and chemical interactions of components with the formation of boundary layers of the optimal structure, which deter-mine the mechanisms of destruction of products from nanocomposites under various operational factors impact;
– achieving the conditions for the synergistic effect of structuring by using a complex of modifiers with a certain combination of parameters of dimensional, geometric and energy characteristics.
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