Energy analysis of a steam turbine with two cylinders and steam re-heating
- 1 Faculty of Engineering, University of Rijeka, Croatia
- 2 Department of maritime sciences, Univers ity of Zadar, Croatia
This paper presents an energy analysis of middle-power steam turbine with two cylinders (High Pressure Cylinder – HPC and Low Pressure Cylinder – LPC) and steam re-heater after the HPC (and before the LPC). Based on a steam operating parameters from the literature, performed energy analysis show that LPC develops higher power and has higher energy efficiency (81.45%) in comparison to HPC (which energy efficiency equals 80.12%). Re-heater is a heat exchanger (flue gases are used for steam heating) which has low energy loss (824.19 kW) and high energy efficiency (97.76%), what is expected energy performance of such heat exchanger. The entire analyzed turbine develops a power of 127480.60 kW and has energy loss equal to 29848.21 kW with energy efficiency of 81.03%.
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