Analysis and comparison of steam turbines from older and newer power plant
In the presented paper are performed energy and exergy analyses as well as a comparison of two similar steam turbines from conventional power plants. The first turbine is from an older, while the second turbine is from newer steam power plant. The dominant mechanical power producer in an older steam turbine is LPC (which produces mechanical power of almost 66 MW), while in a newer steam turbine the dominant mechanical power producer is IPC which produces power equal to 102.4 MW. Whole older steam turbine has higher energy and exergy loss in comparison to the whole newer steam turbine. Whole turbine from the newer power plant has much higher energy and exergy efficiencies in comparison to whole turbine from an older power plant. In an older steam turbine, LPC did not show the expected performance because its exergy efficiency is very low (equal to 75.49%), what is much lower than in any other cylinder from both observed turbines. The ambient temperature change sensitivity of the two observed steam turbines and their cylinders is reverse proportional to efficiencies (both energy and exergy). Steam turbine from an older power plant is much more sensitive to the ambient temperature change.