Review of the development of micro-drilling processes

  • 1 Georgian Technical University (GTU), Faculty of Transportation and Mechanical Engineering, Tbilisi – Georgia
  • 2 Engineering Academy of Serbia (IAS), Belgrade – Serbia


In the knowledge society (KS) and ”Industry 4.0” (I4.0) in the 21st century and today’s rapidly developing world with a large number of important applications, one of the most advanced and growing areas of manufacturing technologies is micro- and nano-machining (traditional and non-traditional) and micro- and nano-aditive manufacturing. Certainly one of the most important technologies of micro and nano machining is micro drilling. Micro-drilling (MD or D) is type of machining (processing) technology used for the drilling of miniaturized parts of small diameter in micro-scale, i.e. diameter in a range of a few microns to several hundred microns. In this paper is given a brief description of the development of micro-drilling process, as well as the basic division of micro-drilling process.



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