• Achievements of computer technology in Bulgaria in the second half of XX century

    pg(s) 79-81

    Еlectronics is the most progressive branch of mechanical engineering since the 1960s. Specific for the development of this industry in our country is that each technological development or the creation of material conditions for its implementation in the period from 1960 by the end of the socialist period, it had received support at the highest state level, in the form of continuous promotion, smooth financing, the provision of embargoed high-deficit technologies by special services and the wide opening of the economy to integration into production. Significant for the development of the industry in our country is the specialization in the production of electronic computers, which was won in a competitive competition between all member countries of the COMECON on the basis of previously achieved in Bulgaria high scientific results in the field.

  • Generation Alpha and the education

    pg(s) 75-78

    The children of the new age went to school. These are the children of the generation Alpha who do not receive information through traditional channels. These are the children who play, learn and interact through technology. They do not want to and do not read in the traditional way. From a very young age, they have been in contact with information technology, successfully working on it, even before they have spoken. Alpha children are independent and curious, they have their own view of the world, which is different from that of their parents and teachers. Communicating with them requires an approach that is based on negotiation and compromise on the part of adults. Parents and teachers should understand, accept and support them more and criticize and educate them less violently. All this raises the question of
    whether teachers are prepared to teach and take into account these new features of the alpha generation, which has already started school and interacts with the education system. Conflict situations often arise between teachers and children, in which educators fa il to respond adequately and professionally to parents

  • Complex functional dependence of temperatures on the pollutants and gaseous material particles in the form of atmospheric aerosols

    pg(s) 69-74

    The state of ecosystems is dictated by a number of complex factors. The existence of vegetation that is considered the “lungs” of the life of Earth is due to the presence of sunlight and favorable atmospheric temperature conditions for its existence. The modern anthropogenic activity of humanity exists due to the satisfaction of the necessities for human existence. The technical -scientific revolution is leading to the negative effects upon the ecosystems. These effects are described by the excess accumulation of pollutants in the form of fine dust materials particles suspended in the atmosphere as well as various gaseous substances resulting from anthropogenic activity and leading to variations in the values of atmospheric temperature with a negative impact on the normal state of the environment. A series of studies and environmental centers of research describe the current state of the Earth’s atmosphere with a tendency of the increasing of the average atmospheric temperature as a result of the intensification of the green house effect. Recently, concomitantly with the existence of green house effects, there is a decrease in the temperature of the upper layers of the atmosphere due to of the presence of a erosols of polluting material particles. This can lead to the intensification of the temperature gradients with the frequent results of sud den temperature variations and of the natural cataclysms. The quantitative description of phenomena in nature is a major problem and this study aims to clarify quantitatively how temperature varies and what are the reasons of the variations of the atmospheric temperature by th e application of the laws of physics of physical phenomena. Decreasing of the pollutants in the atmosphere could have a reversible effect by normalizing of the previous atmospheric conditions and by intensifying of the processes of widening green forest spaces in order to reduce the excess of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. This study shows that the increasing the albedo values of the Earth-atmosphere complex system leads to a decrease of the effective temperatures. This decrease is confirmed by the cooling of the upper layers of the atmosphere due to the presence of aerosols in the form of polluting particles suspended in the atmosphere. An important parameter is described in this study which is called latent specific heat. The respective values of the wavelengths of the outgoing longwave radiation emitted by this complex system increase.

  • Consequences of inappropriate detection and removal of outliers in statistics

    pg(s) 65-68

    In statistics, the presence of outliers in the data set could wrongly distort the estimation of the mean. In addition, the extreme values increase the variability and consequently, the power of the statistical methods decreases. However, there are disagreements in the literature both about what the nature of outliers is, and about how to deal with them when doing further statistical analyses. A lot of conventional procedures for both detecting and dealing with outliers are discussed. The effect of increase the probability of error of the first order type is demonstrated with two simple simulations. The general conclusion is that an information outside of the data set is necessary for a correct decision. This information could come only from the human expertise of the researchers of the specific domain of in terest. The importance of the topic for outliers is discussed, the need of deeper analyses, accompanied with many simulation studies, is argued.

  • Organisation of early childhood education and care in Romania, Greece and Bulgaria

    pg(s) 62-64

    The article presents a comparative analysis of the organization of the early childhood education and care in three countries from the Balkan region – Romania, Greece and Bulgaria. The analysis focuses on the following aspects of preprimary education: access to early childhood education and care; organisation of centre-based ECEC; educational guidelines; organisational variations and alternative structures in ECEC.

  • Educational and philosophical dimensions of the social identity

    pg(s) 60-61

    The purpose of this article is to emphasize to the importance of the process of formation of social identity, both in relation to the individual and in relation to the surrounding school and social environment. Тhe modern pedagogical process is characterized by rapidly evolving technological models, teaching aids and tools and with a changing educational space. These factors of the social reality, due to the pandemic situation, determine the formation of the social identity of the students. The present material focuses on the substantive aspect of the concept of social identity and on the factors that influence to its formation. The article implements an integrational and multidisciplinary approach for the purpose of building a scientific construction of the interpretation of the phenomenon of sociall identity and its position in educational scientific systematic apparatus. The process of identity formation is analyzed and interpreted from different scientific perspectives – philosophy, pedagogy and psychology.

  • Didactic texts shared via the internet

    pg(s) 58-59

    Sharing of experience acquired by teaching has always belonged to common teachers’ activities. Formerly, teachers shared experience mainly by sitting in on colleagues’ classes and by sharing experience in professional journals. Thanks to the development of informational technologies in the 21st century, teachers now frequently use the Internet for sharing of experience. Yet there has not been any unified standard in Slovakia for indicating the quality of those published didactic materials.

  • Technological education – an essential dimension of education in Romania

    pg(s) 55-57

    One of the skills considered “key” in the world we live in is to know, understand, evaluate and use technology. Like it or not, technology marks both the state and evolution of human society and everyday life and students’ interest in the challenges and its products is explosive and can no longer be ignored by the school. The present study aims to approach in an essentialized way the specifics of technological education in the Romanian school, in the context of an increasingly advanced technology society. The introduction in 1992 of the new discipline “Technological education” in secondary education was one of the solutions adopted by Romania in this regard. Also called “applied intellectual education”, technological education promotes the values of APPLIED SCIENCE in all areas of social life. The general pedagogical objective: the development of the theoretical and practical professional / technological awareness, of the capaci ty to apply the scientific knowledge in different social contexts of economic, political and cultural nature.

  • Social capital and its association with good local governance in Republic of North Macedonia

    pg(s) 36-39

    Numerous studies show that high levels of social capital are associated with higher level of good governance in societies around the world. However, because of different definitions and approaches for measurement of social capital, a lot of papers have included only one variable of measure or not in-depth measurement of social capital. Also, there is a huge deficiency of research for social capital and its relation with good governance in North Macedonia. Therefore, it is very important to make national analysis, also because of the cultural differences between the countries that can produce different conclusions. Also, it is not known which indicators of the broad concept of social capital are associated with good governance.
    Social capital is a complex multidimensional concept without unified definition. One easy way to explain the social capital is through benefits that arise from social activity of one individual, or social capital is related to the types and the quality of human networks. Among many distinctions of social capital are distinctions of structural, relational and cognitive social capital and distinction based on relationships such as strong, weak, vertical, horizontal, bonding, bridging or linking. In this paper, we will take the distinction of structural and cognitive social capital on individual level. This paper will examine the association between different types of individual structural social capital and individual cognitive social capital with level of perceived effectiveness of good local governance variables on municipalities level. Thus, paper hypothesis is: structural and cognitive dimensions of social capital are positively associated with good local governance. Data will be gathered through a questionnaire that will be delivered online (e-mail, social platforms, etc.) to residents of minimum 20% of the municipalities in Republic of North Macedonia. Analysis of the data will be through Ordinary Least Square regression to model good governance measures as a function of different proxies of structural and cognitive social capital, and controlling variables.
    The goal of the paper will be to show the association of good local governance and different dimensions of individual social capital.

  • Solving or Stagnating a Decades Long Problem? U.S. policy towards the Israeli – Palestinian conflict under President Biden

    pg(s) 30-35

    The Middle East has been of primary interest for the following American presidents and administrations since the mid-20th Century. The Israeli Palestinian conflict is an indisputable element of the Middle East and is nearly as long as American strategic interest in the region. Shaping American policy towards the Israeli Palestinian conflict has been of different importance to U.S. Presidents, but the twostate solution has predominantly dominated as a viable solution, despite the fact that Israel has been favored. Donald Trump had a different approach towards the actors of the conflict and the possible solution, in action, discontinuing efforts towards the two-state solution. The current U.S. President, Joe Biden, in his approach towards Israel and Palestine is loyal towards the more traditional American stance. This paper, based on the study of key documents, presents a comparative analysis of the former and present U.S. Presidents, showing how a contemporary, more even-handed, approach, building civil societies, and engaging regional players, might result in future peace between Israel and Palestine.

  • The meaning of financial education for customers rights in imereti region

    pg(s) 68-70

    Financial of education raising issue Many in country considered as _ Financial of service of customers rights protection Constituent part . of the issue from relevance based on many in country already postponed concrete steps this In the angle , they between in Georgia too . of the article The goal is to review Financial Education as _ of customers protection Constituent basic part existing problems and this problems solution possible ways Imereti in the region.
    in the article has been conveyed If what There will be consequences financial to the growth of education In Georgia , Imereti in the region, namely : to increase of the population Financial sustainability level and to improve Their Financial Prosperity _ reduce of poverty level _ to increase savings ; hand to facilitate of customers rights protection .

  • Comparison of AI-enhanced educational games for students with disabilities

    pg(s) 65-67

    In recent years, artificial intelligence (AI)-enhanced educational games have become powerful tools for people with disabilities. These games use AI algorithms to customize and personalize the learning experience to meet learners’ unique needs and abilities. This comparative analysis aims to evaluate and compare different AI-powered educational games specifically developed for people with disabilities. This article attempts to provide insights so that developers, educators, and people with disabilities can use AI to select appropriate educational games. Highlights how AI-powered educational games can improve accessibility, engagement, and learning
    outcomes for people with disabilities.