This paper deals with the safety, modeling, simulation and the possibility of automation of a production warehouse as a key component on CIM systems. The manufacturing has been changed significantly by using information systems. Using electronic data processing in the production systems and beyond, automatic protocols are derived and flow both on confirmation of the order and in economic aspect of the raw material. Also, information systems are used in planning and controlling the production, including machines, equipments and entire production process, as well as a lot more opportunities have been provided for the operator. But, security of the production systems is one of the concerns which are elaborated in this paper. Production systems play an important role in industrial and economic development of a country. Recent years, there was a tremendous change in the technology of production systems. Such changes happened as a result of advances in the field of hardware and software technology, which are directly or indirectly related to modeling and simulation of production systems. In this paper, we will investigate the possibility of automation of a production warehouse as one of the key components of CIM technology. Simulations are new and very attractive area. Nowadays they have become indispensable engineering tools for solving engineering tasks, leaving behind the traditional analytical methods. They include design, analytical and optimisation tasks of complex production systems, computer architecture, biological and military systems etc. This is made possible, because of failure to gain good results by the analytical methods, which is the case also for simple systems too. In the group of traditional methods are distinguished: arrays method (querying theory), different heuristic mathematical methods etc.This paper also deals with modelling and simulation of flexible system for electrical machine assembling by ARENA software.