Dual-flow dissymmetrical low pressure steam turbine energy analysis – comparison of both turbine cylinders
- 1 Faculty of Engineering, University of Rijeka, Croatia
In this paper is performed energy analysis of the dual-flow dissymmetrical low pressure steam turbine, which operates in a coalfired power plant. Based on the measured operating parameters during exploitation it is calculated and presented an ideal and real power, energy losses and energy efficiencies of a whole turbine and both of its cylinders. Right cylinder of the analyzed turbine develops higher real (polytropic) and ideal (isentropic) power in comparison to left turbine cylinder. The first steam extraction of each cylinder dictates cylinder power (both ideal and real). Right cylinder has a higher energy loss and energy efficiency in comparison to left cylinder – the difference in energy loss is notable (5735.74 kW in comparison to 5447.23 kW), while the difference in energy efficiency is low, almost negligible (92.371% in comparison to 92.357%). Percentage differences between observed turbine cylinders show that left cylinder has approximately 5% lower real (polytropic) as well as ideal (isentropic) power and simultaneously approximately 5% lower energy loss.
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