In the world today, Germany could lose its status as a superpower in the automotive industry, and the German Association of the Automotive Industry considers excessive regulation, slow political decisions and the absence of a legal framework for issues such as artificial intelligence as key problems.
From the year 2021, the list of Chinese companies has doubled. China develops electric motor cars and has taken the lead compared to Europe, especially in battery technologies, but also subsidizes their production. At the same time, China became the world’s largest car exporter in 2023 – it exported 4.91 million cars, which is an increase of 57.9% compared to the last year, becoming the world’s first country according to the number of exported cars.
An additional problem for car manufacturers is created by the European Union’s plans to phase out vehicles with internal combustion engines by 2035. There is also a lack of access to the raw materials needed to manufacture batteries and the slow development of electric vehicle charging infrastructure. Nevertheless, during the year 2023, 254 thousand “Tesla” models were sold in Europe, making this car the best-selling car on the continent.
From July 2024, every new car must have the most modern safety systems, having in mind that 20.400 people died on the roads of the European Union in 2023, according to unofficial data (that’s 1% less than in 2022). From July 7, new cars are obliged to have 10 additional safety systems, which will contribute to increasing safety and reducing the number of accidents.
On the territory of Serbia, a license was issued to one company for test driving of automated vehicles, after tests and analysis conducted jointly by the Traffic Safety Agency and the CIAX laboratory of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering in Belgrade. And from
February this year in Serbia, the registration of those interested in state subsidies for the purchase of electric vehicles began and will continue until October. In Kragujevac, from 2024 “Stelantis” will start producing the new “Panda” hybrid. It was announced that it will be called “PANDINA”. And we look forward to its production.