Increasing the resilience of critical entities in response to the dynamic spectrum of threats

  • 1 Institute of Metal Science Equipment and Technologies with Hydro- and Aerodynamics Centre ―Acad. A Balevski, the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Bulgaria
  • 2 Institute for Nuclear Research and Nuclear Energy, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences


Achieving a comprehensive approach to the issue of resilience of entities that are critical to the proper functioning of the national economy requires the creation of a comprehensive framework addressing the resilience of critical entities to all hazards, whether natural or anthropogenic, accidental or intentional. For this purpose, good practice implies the use of European and international standards and technical specifications that are relevant for both security measures and resilience measures applicable to critical infrastructure.
Precisely, the presentation of updated information on a possible approach that requires innovation in the field of security and protection of critical infrastructure is the content of this publication.



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