Method for Estimating a Residual Service Life of Fibre-reinforced Industrial Concrete Floorings and Pavements

  • 1 Physic-Chemical Mecanics Institute of Mechasnics - BAS


Current construction practice often implies the need to carry out specific actions related to the specification of current operating characteristics of existing and operated in different periods in different ways fibre-reinforced industrial concrete internal floorings and external pavements. Such problems are most often related to a planned change in the operating load, or to estimate their service life in the future. In this regard, specific parameters of a system approach proposed by the author are specified below, including the necessary preliminary field, laboratory and analytical activities related to establishing the current strength-deformation and other essential characteristics of existing industrial concrete floorings and pavements, as follows: concrete cross-section thickness, concrete strengthdeformation characteristics, type and amount of reinforcement used (including fibres), deformation characteristics of the crushed-stone base – according to the dynamic penetration in number of test points, static calculations for the new load conditions, restoring their integrity after sampling, etc. Given the lack of any normative documents on the subject, the proposed systematic approach to the assessment of the residual operational resource of existing fibre-reinforced industrial concrete floorings/pavements is of important methodological importance and fully corresponds to the needs of real construction practice. Its practical use has been approved by the author through a number of successfully conducted systematic expert procedures at a number of sites in the country and abroad.



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