Combined unit of small mechanization, experimental calculations and its advantages

    Mechanization in agriculture & Conserving of the resources, Vol. 67 (2023), Issue 3, pg(s) 79-81

    The article discusses the designs of small-scale mechanization technical means that are used in Georgia, namely, agricultural machinery installed on moto blocks, the scale and advantages of their use compared to powerful machinery and based on a patent (No. AP 2020 15395), completely new combined aggregate is presented as part of a moto block, which is currently in demand in the context of the development of modern technologies for growing crops on the market. In particular, in small areas and greenhouses. The article proposes a constructive description of the presented combined aggregate and the principles of its operation. Theoretical waste was also carried out using similarity and dimensionality theories. The functional relationship between the optimization parameters and the operating factors is determined and the regression equation is selected, on the basis of which the optimal operating modes are determined.


    Does Tourism 4.0 answers the needs of baby-boomers?

    Industry 4.0, Vol. 7 (2022), Issue 1, pg(s) 33-35

    New technologies have lately decisively entered our personal lives as well as penetrated our businesses, including tourism. Our paper discusses the role of technology in transformation of traditional high-touch services, co-created by tourism personnel, into high-tech services performed by tourists themselves in ‘do-it-your-self” (DIY) way. The participant-observation research method has been applied to present the problem. The results point out certain types of services that are becoming hardly available to tourists without adequate digital equipment and certain technical competence. DIY type of services can be particularly challenging to the ‘silver’ tourists of the baby-boom cohort who are typically not as digitally competent as is younger travelling generation. The findings open serious questioning over general ability of tourists to physically, psychologically and culturally follow the pace of such technological change.


    Heritage virtualization – innovations in museum narrative

    Innovations, Vol. 8 (2020), Issue 2, pg(s) 69-72

    The topic of digitalization of heritage is one of the pressing issues regarding the protection and development of culture. Digitalization is making Europe’s cultural resources an important pillar of the digital economy and improving public access to the various forms of heritage and interaction between heritage and public. Heritage stored into the memory institutions with the advancement of digital technologies and communications, require a new “read”, in expanded historical, geographical, scientific, but already and technological context. In this sense, the research perspective that defines the present study views the world of digitalised cultural artefacts as a technologically mediated way not only of documenting, but also as a new way of telling stories and disseminating cultural knowledge in the form of virtual heritage (VH).

  • The specificity of the post-information age

    Science. Business. Society., Vol. 4 (2019), Issue 1, pg(s) 35-37

    What makes us call a new age a post-information one? New age is created by dominating technologies. These include DNA manipulation, also human. The ability to cut and paste parts of the DNA string has created new, previously unknown possibilities to interfere in the natural processes at the cell structure level.
    The next main factor shaping the social change is holographic technology. Due to the miniaturisation of these devices phone calls will be replaced by devices for holographic transmission and reconstruction. The change in mass communication will be significant. Information in the text form will be replaced by fully sensory, spatial images. These technologies obscure the differences between the real and artificial world and prepare new forms of human life institutionalisation.
    The third element creating a new age is micro, mezo and macro robotics. The technology of learning in action and obtaining information independently by robots creates new forms of work and social interactions for man as well as areas of man’s responsibility. In my presentation I will focus on four main trends, certain agents and organisational structures of the post-information society.