Modeling of аgent-based cyber-physical systems using goal-oriented approach
- 1 Dept. of Industrial Automation, University of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy, Sofia, Bulgaria
Cyber-physical systems (CPS) integrate computing, networking and physical dynamics and are characterized by a high degree of heterogeneity and parallelism, with high dimensionality and complexity, including a variety of decision-making capabilities and control logic. Modeling and simulation of cyber-physical systems are considered important stages in the design, development and operation of CPS and their components. The main aim of the paper is to describe and analyze the evolution of agent based approach in the field of CPS and to define the basic requirements to the agent based systems regarding CPS. Based on O-MaSE methodology a software process model for agent based development of CPS is proposed. The approach includes the creation of 10 models reflecting various aspects and functionality of the CPS. The suggested approach is analyzed in terms of meeting the basic requirements for agent-based systems, imposed by the peculiarities of cyber-physical systems and fundamental requirements for their introducing, such as flexibility/changeability, reliability, reconfigurability, adaptability/agility and dependability.
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