Conceptual model for investigating the innovation activity of enterprises
- 1 University of Plovdiv Paisii Hilendarski, Plovdiv, Bulgaria, Department of Management and Quantitative Methods in Economics
- 2 University of Plovdiv Paisii Hilendarski, Plovdiv, Bulgaria, Department of Political Sciences and National Security
The paper presents a conceptual model for investigating the innovation activity of enterprises from the wine industry in Bulgaria. The study aims to submit a unified methodological framework for application by experts in researching, analyzing and benchmarking the innovation activity in the sector. Many researchers confirm that different innovation models are appropriate for different sectors, regardless of best practices in innovation management, and it all depends on the specificity of innovation and its relationship to sector specificities. Thus, the examination of wine sector requires a specific approach and an empirical research, based on own questionnaire focused on the individualism and the need to study the innovation niches and opportunities of wine sector.
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