Table of Contents


    • Analyzing and visualisation of indoor airpollution

      pg(s) 3-6

      The exposure on high concentrations of PM particles causes various serious diseases such as cardiovascular, respiratory related diseases and cancer as discovered in more scientific studies. According to experts, there is no immediate victory for pollution, but action must be taken, as this problem cannot wait for future times and generations. In this paper, we will analyze air pollution with PM10 and PM2.5 in indoor urban areas (apartments, workplaces, etc.). This will help the competent authorities to model an urban development plan, traffic density and air quality measures for the population that spends most of the day in an indoor environment. Another benefit would be to obtain information from the results of the online indoor monitoring – to decide whether purifiers should be purchased to reduce air pollution in permissible limits. Visual modeling with GIS (interpolation) gives a dynamic visual representation of the indoor space, clearly showing which parts of the place are polluted and accordingly take action.


    • The influence of transnational corporations on the economy of developing countries (Contemplating the example of how the Coca – Cola Company influences the economy of Ukraine)

      pg(s) 9-13

      Transnational corporations’ manufacturing and commercial activities are connected to national and regional markets. Taking this fact into account, the authors identify the main causes of the active development of transnational corporations around the world and determine five levels of economic growth of developing countries. The authors also consider directions of transnational corporations’ influence on developing countries and inquire institutional means and methods of regulating the influence of transnational corporations in Ukraine. Attractive sectors of the Ukrainian economy for transnational corporations’ activities are proposed, the Coca-Cola Company’s activities performed in Ukraine are analyzed, and conditions for further development of transnational corporations in Ukraine are named in the paper.

    • Оn predictability of precious metals towards robust trading

      pg(s) 14-16

      Large amounts of liquidity flow into several precious metals every day. Investment decisions are mainly based on predicting the future movements of the instrument(s) in question. However, high frequency financial data are somewhat hard to model or predict as stochastic processes and many other random factors are involved. It would be valuable information for the investor if he or she knew which precious metals were quantitatively more predictable, that would also be a good basis for more robust trading decisions. The objective in this study is to build predictive models on high frequency precious metal data and compare predictabilities of different metals using only past price and volume values which should be a basis for robust trading decisions. The data used consist of various frequencies from 1-minute to 4-hour covering a period of almost 20 years for each instrument and frequency. Artificial Neural Network (ANN) and Gradient Boosted Decision Tree (XGB) methods are applied. Comparable results are achieved.

    • Conceptual model for investigating the innovation activity of enterprises

      pg(s) 17-19

      The paper presents a conceptual model for investigating the innovation activity of enterprises from the wine industry in Bulgaria. The study aims to submit a unified methodological framework for application by experts in researching, analyzing and benchmarking the innovation activity in the sector. Many researchers confirm that different innovation models are appropriate for different sectors, regardless of best practices in innovation management, and it all depends on the specificity of innovation and its relationship to sector specificities. Thus, the examination of wine sector requires a specific approach and an empirical research, based on own questionnaire focused on the individualism and the need to study the innovation niches and opportunities of wine sector.

    • The impact of global change on consumer preferences of the Moravica District

      pg(s) 20-22

      The aim of the research, the results of which are presented in this paper, is to research the consumer preferences of the Moravica District towards the consumption of domestic and foreign products. As globalization alters market conditions, creates new sources of competition, it is impossible not to think about protecting domestic products and the impact of the increased import of foreign products on the preferences of domestic consumers. Liberalization, as a regulator of market, certainly influences the need to create mechanisms for the protection of domestic production, and the changed consumer preferences are an important factor in monitoring and defining new protection measures so that domestic producers of the Republic of Serbia are ready, primarily for the European market. For this reason, we decided to investigate what consumer ethnocentrism is like in the central part of the Republic of Serbia, in the Moravica District. As the results show, the challenges posed by globalization have greatly influenced consumer attitudes and changes in attitudes towards ethnocentrism.

    • Ways to reduce costs energy at the regional water company “Prishtina”

      pg(s) 23-24

      Energy efficiency is a new domain in our country, so it is very much realistic and possible for us to succeed in implementing this field.The first EU-wide energy efficiency target was set in 1998. Member states agreed to improve energy efficiency by 1 percent a year over twelve years. Pristina Regional Water Company Utility is one of the largest companies in the state of Kosovo. Regional Water Company “PRISHTINA” cover 60% of the total population of Kosovo., with 8 municipalities included capital of Kosovo, Prishtina.This paper discusses energy issues facing public water utility sector, exactly for Regional Water Company “PRISHTINA”, steps that responsibility personnel can take to understand and reduce their energy use and costs, and funding resources for energy efficiency. Main focus in this paper is to perform possibilities for increasing energy efficiency of the Pumping Station in Milloshevë which supply with raw water Treatment Plant in Shkabaj, Kosovo.

    • Radical innovations as a drive of Industrial Revolutions

      pg(s) 25-28

      The purpose of this publication is to elucidate the nature of radical innovations as drives of various industrial revolutions, as well as the conditions that led to their emergence. They incorporate substantially different technologies from existing ones and meet the needs of consumers in a new way and better than the current ones.
      This article will discuss factors that can be used to evaluate an innovation as radical. A new view of Industrial Revolution will be presented, explaining critical factors and their relation to sectors of production. An invention may lead to the production of a new, unknown product at a certain time or to the provision of an unknown service. The use of these unfamiliar products or services on the market is characterized as a radical innovation. Relevant radical innovations in turn lead to industrial revolutions. It is argued that a paradigm shift takes place and we call it Industrial Revolution.