Irrigation regime of green bean cultivated as an intercropping culture in unheated greenhouses with drip irrigation

  • 1 Institute of Soil Science, Agro-Technology and Plant Protection “Nikola Pushkarov", Sofia, Bulgaria


The production of green beans in plastic unheated greenhouses is relevant when grown as a intercropping culture. Rrotation of crops is an important biological factor for increasing soil fertility, and year round production of vegetables in plastic greenhouses to maximize the economic impact of these expensive facilities.
Considering the biology of the crop and especially its requirements for soil moisture, determinating for obtaining high yields and quality production is the implementation of a proper irrigation regime, as well as the use of suitable irrigation technique.
The aim of the research is to identify the main elements of the irrigation regime of green beans, cultivated as a second intercropping culture, in drip irrigation / watering and irrigation rates, interwatering periods and number of irrigations /.
Irrigation was carried out with a drip irrigation system type Drossbach. Variations have been tested at 85-90% of pre-watering humidity and 120% of irrigation rates- 120%; 100%; 80% and 60%.
It has been found that the productivity of irrigation water in drip irrigation of vegetable crops grown in unheated greenhouses is increased by reducing the irrigation rate. The highest productivity of irrigation water is achieved with the 60% irrigation rate option.



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