Study of the technological process of operation of transplanting machines
The article proposes a classification based on the method of movement of the working parts of the planting apparatus, which identifies three groups of transplanting machines: with the movement of the working parts in a vertical plane, a horizontal plane, and a combined method. The speed of planting seedlings depends on the following main factors: the frequency m of seedling supply, the planting step l, the design of the planting apparatus with seedling holders, the condition of the planting material, as well as the experience and skill of the planting operators. Feeding seedlings into seedling holders or cups of the planting apparatus is limited by the physical capabilities of a person, namely the number of seedlings fed per minute or frequency m. Thus, in order to increase the speed Vm of seedling planting, it is necessary to increase the frequency m of seedling supply. The speed of planting seedlings into cups or seedling holders (the frequency m) actually determines the maximum operating speed of the transplanting machine.
The study of the technological process of operation of a transplanting machine, as well as a phase analysis of the working process of a carousel-type transplanting machine, makes it possible to better understand ways to improve the design of the machine and its working parts and will make it possible to obtain important decisions on increasing the speed. As a result of a theoretical study of the technological process of a carousel-type transplanting machine, a relationship was obtained between various factors on which the maximum operating speed of planting seedlings depends.