Some standardized peculiarity in defining the processes / stages providing input data for Intelligent Security Systems development – peripheral security systems
The creation of an intelligent security environment is one of the main trends in the coming years, as security technologies will be a significant part of the developed systems, incl. physical protection and system integration systems will play a key role in d ata collection to ensure critical infrastructure (CI) security. Organizations equipped with intelligent security systems provide increased operational efficiency by using system integration for data collection and allow systems to “communicate” and work in tandem to provide real-time information for emergency preparedness or execution.
In addition, data collected from advanced security technologies can be analyzed by system integrators to help senior CI management better understand how their organization works and make improvements based on the information gathered. Understanding the value of connecting different physical security systems, incl. and CI peripheral security systems, as well as ways to integrate them with other systems, is a key component in developing a smarter and more secure facility. Whether applying new CI solutions or upgrading compatibility solutions, system integration offers a variety of cost options that meet the specific needs of the business environment.
Last but not least, threat information is used to determine the security regime of the CI as a basis for developing common requirements and performance targets, as well as criteria for assessing the conformity or effectiveness of physical protection systems. Modern standardized approaches have been developed, summarizing the good international practices, for determining the goals and / or requirements for physical protection, in accordance with the specifics of CI and for preventing any level of potential impact both in the sites and for the population in the neighboring territories. The development of requirements for peripheral security systems as an element of intelligent CI security systems and their integration in the CI as early as possible is the subject of this publication.