Table of Contents


    • Some standardized peculiarity in defining the processes / stages providing input data for Intelligent Security Systems development – peripheral security systems

      pg(s) 3-6

      The creation of an intelligent security environment is one of the main trends in the coming years, as security technologies will be a significant part of the developed systems, incl. physical protection and system integration systems will play a key role in d ata collection to ensure critical infrastructure (CI) security. Organizations equipped with intelligent security systems provide increased operational efficiency by using system integration for data collection and allow systems to “communicate” and work in tandem to provide real-time information for emergency preparedness or execution.
      In addition, data collected from advanced security technologies can be analyzed by system integrators to help senior CI management better understand how their organization works and make improvements based on the information gathered. Understanding the value of connecting different physical security systems, incl. and CI peripheral security systems, as well as ways to integrate them with other systems, is a key component in developing a smarter and more secure facility. Whether applying new CI solutions or upgrading compatibility solutions, system integration offers a variety of cost options that meet the specific needs of the business environment.
      Last but not least, threat information is used to determine the security regime of the CI as a basis for developing common requirements and performance targets, as well as criteria for assessing the conformity or effectiveness of physical protection systems. Modern standardized approaches have been developed, summarizing the good international practices, for determining the goals and / or requirements for physical protection, in accordance with the specifics of CI and for preventing any level of potential impact both in the sites and for the population in the neighboring territories. The development of requirements for peripheral security systems as an element of intelligent CI security systems and their integration in the CI as early as possible is the subject of this publication.

    • Developing the opportunities for building nuclear security

      pg(s) 7-10

      The potential for criminal or intentional unauthorized acts involving or directed at nuclear or other radioactive material or their associated facilities and associated activities is an ongoing global concern. Because of their widespread use, nuclear and other radioactive materials are vulnerable to sabotage, or to being stolen, lost or acquired illegally by individuals or groups that may use th em for malicious purposes. The objective of a nuclear security regime is to prevent, detect and respond to nuclear security events, and to protect persons, property, society and the environment from harmful consequences associated with nuclear and other radioactive materials.


    • Warning and reporting of biological incidents during military operations

      pg(s) 14-17

      In the past years, NATO member countries have faced the threat of bioterrorism, which requires the development of capabilities to deal with this threat. Timely detection and accurate identification of the type of bioagent used is essential for early wa rning of threatened military units, as part of the process of prevention and reduction of human casualties, as well as for the spread of the disease. The possible use of biological agents as weapons of mass destruction (WMD) is presented in the report. The military reconnaissance role in the process of investigation of disease outbreak is considered. For the implementation of the process for early warning and alert of biological threat, a scheme of a model of a platform for biological reconnaissance and monitoring is presented. In the model a configuration of hardware and software is used. Due to the increasing risk of use of biological weapons by terrorist organizations, the acquisition and integration of an advanced platform for monitoring and outbreak reconnaissance from the units of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Bulgaria is of key importance.

    • Reducing the potential vulnerability of the society in case of a terrorist attack against critical infrastructure sites and facilities

      pg(s) 18-20

      This article discusses the issues related to the planning of activities for ensuring the physical security of critical infrastructure sites. The critical infrastructure is considered as an important element of the national security of the country, and the cri ticality is determined by the interdependence between the individual elements and the dependence of the society on its normal functioning.

    • The new old challenges to NATO in the Balkans

      pg(s) 21-23

      NATO is facing an array of challenges in the Balkans – both ‘old’ and conventional, and ‘new’ and asymmetric. This paper seeks to offer an overview and provide an analysis of the risks emanating from Russia’s strategic interests in the peninsula and possible complications as an example of ‘traditional’ threat. Additionally, the author will strive to a nalyze them in the context of ‘modern’ security challenges in the region, such as the risks stemming from the migration from the Middle East and North Africa, and the challenges, particularly in the Western Balkans, of radicalization and returning foreign fighters. NATO’s role in the region is particularly important as no single country in the region has the capabilities to address such transnational threats and challenges unilatera lly. The hypothesis is that the Alliance needs to significantly enhance its soft power capabilities, intensify cooperation between stakeholders in the region, and adapt to more contemporary and asymmetric threats.


    • Analysis of changes in the probability of an incident with information security

      pg(s) 24-27

      Risk assessments are not a one-off action, but there are no formal guidelines on when and how often a risk assessment should be performed. Changing factors affect the risk assessment parameters. The strongest influence of these changes is the probability of an accident. Examining changes in the likelihood of an accident will allow for more accurate planning of periods for checking ri sk factors and assessing risk. In this way, the assessed risk will reflect the changes that have taken place and will lead to more adequate risk management. The analysis of the influence of the changing risk factors is made with the help of a model, which is built on the basis of one asset and the accident scenarios determined for it. The model examines the characteristics of changes in the risk factors for the asset. Th e probability distribution for the random number of changes is determined. The results of the amended conditions are also random. They are expressed in a change in the level of probability of an accident. For these random variables, the main probabilistic characteristics are d etermined and dependencies are derived that can be used for analysis.