Exergy analysis of a complex four-cylinder steam turbine

  • 1 Faculty of Engineering, University of Rijeka, Croatia
  • 2 Maritime Department, University of Dubrovnik, Croatia


This paper presents an exergy analysis of a complex four-cylinder steam turbine, which operate in a coal-fired power plant. Analyzed steam turbine consists of high pressure single flow cylinder (HPC), intermediate pressure dual flow cylinder (IPC) and two low pressure dual flow cylinders (LPC1 and LPC2). The highest part of cumulative mechanical power (787.87 MW) is developed in IPC (389.85 MW) and HPC (254.67 MW), while both low pressure cylinders develop a small part of cumulative mechanical power (70.29 MW in LPC1 and 73.06 MW in LPC2). Cylinder exergy destruction (cylinder exergy power loss) continuously increases as the steam expands through the turbine. The lowest exergy destruction has HPC (13.07 MW), followed by the IPC (20.95 MW), while the highest exergy destructions are noted in low pressure cylinders (24.37 MW in LPC1 and 27.17 MW in LPC2). Cylinder exergy efficiency continuously decreases as the steam expands through the turbine. The highest exergy efficiency has HPC (95.12%), followed by the IPC (94.90%) and LPC1 (74.25%), while the lowest exergy efficiency of all cylinders is obtained in LPC2 (72.89%). Exergy efficiencies of LPC1 and LPC2 are much lower in comparison to other low pressure dual flow cylinders from comparable steam power plants. The whole observed steam turbine has exergy
efficiency equal to 90.20%.



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