Leadership as an imperative of the motivation: research design

  • 1 University of Plovdiv Paisii Hilendarski, Plovdiv, Bulgaria, Department of Management and Quantitative Methods in Economics


The paper presents a methodology focused on the leadership style assessment based on exact characteristics of the business environment and their influence on the employees’ motivation. The conceptual framework is to explore the correlation between the applied leadership style, the level of uncertainty of the external environment, and the motivational level of the followers. In this regard, the paper aims to find dependencies among the leadership style and its behavioral application towards the level of motivation. Based on this research design, it is possible for the managers to implement a specific approach that will increase the employees’ motivational level in a concrete level of uncertainty of the business environment. The application of the methodological conditions in organizations from different industries can be beneficial for managers to smooth out an effective and cohesive team, which together overcomes threats from the external environment and the continuous confrontation with new crisis situations.



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