Theory of vertical oscillations of a frontally mounted tops harvesting machine

    Mechanization in agriculture & Conserving of the resources, Vol. 67 (2021), Issue 2, pg(s) 41-46

    To establish influence of kinematic and constructive parameters of tops-harvesting machine on quality of a continuous cut of the massif of tops at oscillations in the longitudinal-vertical plane of its tops-cutting device at frontally mounted machine on a wheeled row-crop aggregate tractor. Used modeling methods based on higher mathematics, theoretical mechanics, solving a system of differential equations and compiling programs and numerical solutions on a PC. An equivalent scheme has been developed for a tops-harvester mounted on a wheeled tractor in front of it on its oscillations in the longitudinal-vertical plane, considering all the forces that arise, taking into account the kinematic excitation that occurs when moving along soil surface definitions also due to the elastic-damping properties of its support-copying wheels. For the specified equivalent scheme, on the basis of application of initial equations in the form of Lagrange of the 2nd kind, on the chosen generalized coordinates, the system of two nonlinear differential equations of oscillatory motion of the tops-harvesting machine is received. According to the analytical transformations, the solution of this system was obtained, which made it possible to obtain the f inal expressions for determining the amplitude and circular frequency of natural and forced oscillations of the tops-harvesting machine. Numerical calculations of the received expressions on the made program on the personal computer are carried out . According to the results of numerical simulation, the final expression was obtained, which allowed to determine the vertical displacements of the end of the rotary cutting unit during the oscillations of the topping machine in the longitudinal-vertical plane. Numerical calculations on the PC of the received expression gave the chance to construct graphic dependences which establish dependences of amplitude of the specified oscillations depending on constructive parameters of the tops-harvesting machine, and also characteristics of roughnesses of a soil surface and elasticdamping properties of copying wheels.


    Substantiation of the process of deep tillage with agricultural machines of digging type

    Mechanization in agriculture & Conserving of the resources, Vol. 66 (2020), Issue 3, pg(s) 86-89

    The paper considers the issue of deep tillage, the use of the latest technical advances, in order to develop new tillage implements that provide better tillage and reduce erosion. The main attention is paid to the preservation of soil fertility and the use of funds in organic farming. The aim of the work is to improve the process of mechanical tillage by digging by developing a new working body and the process of interaction of digging working bodies with the soil, which change its physical properties and improve environmental safety. The most promising for deep tillage is the digger in terms of both energy and agronomic indicators (reduction of compaction, preservation and restoration of water and air balance, preservation of humus, preservation of biomass). Rotary diggers with rotational movement of working bodies are more effective in comparison with diggers having oscillating movement of working bodies. As a result of studying the dependence of the angle of the blades, providing the movement of the formation on the surface of the working body, from their position on the trajectory, it was found that the smallest value (5…70) is the angle of inclination after turning the blade deepening. When lifting the formation from the bottom of the furrow to a certain height, the required angle of the blades increases, reaching a value of 28… 300 when overturning the formation at a height of 0.20…0.25 m


    Assessment of negative impact of agricultural mobile energy means and euro-5 standard

    Mechanization in agriculture & Conserving of the resources, Vol. 66 (2020), Issue 2, pg(s) 50-54

    Environmental problems today are one of the most important and global indicators of human development. One of the consequences of the impact of agricultural machinery on natural resources is their pollution due to loss of fuel and lubricants and engine waste. The purpose of the research is to develop scientific and methodological bases for the selection of criteria for assessing the environmental safety of the diesel engine of an energy vehicle with the creation of an environmental safety management system. The scientific and methodological basis for assessing these factors is a systematic approach to solving environmental problems that arise during the operation of machine-tractor units and other agricultural energy resources. Estimation of the level of emissions of the main pollutants and toxic substances in exhaust gases can be defined by means of the regulatory characteristic of the engine depending on an operating mode of this engine. The optimal mode of operation of the engine YaMZ-236M2, from an environmental point of view, adopted 1450…1850 rpm. In this case, fuel consumption does not increase in this mode. It is possible to reduce the emissions of the most significant NOx exhaust element by limiting the engine speed to 90% of the nominal. CO and CH emissions at a given engine speed have not reached their maximum value.


    Increasing and justification of demand for the modernization of agricultural machinery

    Innovations, Vol. 7 (2019), Issue 3, pg(s) 105-114

    The paper presents a technical and economic background to the need for modernization of modern tractors and combines. The presented method allows forecasting the demand for modernization of equipment. It allows to develop the program of action to improve the quality of machines, assess their real potential, develop of strategic and operational planning for the development of modernization, organize activities of the technical service. This article proposes a method for determining the demand for modernization of agricultural machinery in technical, repair and technical enterprises, based on the analysis of statistical and expert data characterizing their influence on the demand for research. It is justified that repair company must confidently organize an active advertising campaign to promote modernized machines to the market.

  • Methodology of evaluation of environmental and technological properties of the mobile energy machine

    Mechanization in agriculture & Conserving of the resources, Vol. 64 (2018), Issue 4, pg(s) 114-116

    The method of estimation of technological properties of a mobile power tool is presented in the work taking into account the index of its ecological properties. The results of the expert survey are presented to determine the importance of individual indicators in the evaluation of the generalized indicator of the environmental and technological properties of the mobile energy means. Increasing the informativeness of the methodology for evaluating the technological properties of a mobile power tool by taking into account the generalized index of its environmental properties. The structure of the index of environmental properties of depends on the assignment of the estimated energy source and the purpose of the problem to be solved. In our opinion, with a comparative assessment of energy resources as a unit one can adopt the following indicators of their environmental properties. The obtained result shows that today it is more relevant to assess the technogenic impact of a mobile energy facility on the environment than the cost of its implementation unit of work. And with this conclusion, one can not disagree, since the neglect of the impact on the environment in the near future can nullify the economic profit from the production of agricultural products. The evaluation of the importance of individual indicators for a generalized indicator of the ecological properties of a mobile power tool, according to the results of a survey of experts, showed that the most impact is the index of soil consolidation, then mechanical destruction of soil, composition of exhaust gases, pollution of operating fluids, noise, vibration and least impact is a layout diagram of the power tool. The analysis of these indicators allows us to determine which structural-technological or regime parameters of the energy source and to what extent influence the general indicator of its environmental properties. And the more deeply this analysis will be, the most accurate and successful will be proposed constructive-technological or regime measures to improve them.