Table of Contents


    • The Influence of Distance Learning on Vocational Subject of the First year Students at the University of Defence – Results of the Comparative study

      pg(s) 115-118

      The University of Defence students are ground “stones” for safety studies in future. Their education process is the basic step for ensuring security for the Czech Republic in the next decades. The article deals with the very current topic – the success rate of distance education of first-year students of the University of Defence in Brno in vocational-oriented subjects in a long-term context. The article formulates the results of the study. The study is to focus on the first year of study that the students of both University faculties completed according to the currently valid study program.
      By comparing the results achieved by students in all first years of study (the group consisted of more than 500 respondents), we have gained a relatively straightforward and objective answer to the question concerning the effectiveness of distance learning from a long-term perspective. The first semester of the university studies was realised in distance learning compared to the standard system d ominated by fulltime teaching joined with practices and seminars. The second semester was realized, as usual, students were returned to the s tandard study program.

    • Automated Vehicle Divert system for border police in Hungary

      pg(s) 119-121

      National Laboratory for Security Technologies is a national research centre for integrated research and innovation programmes in the three pillars of technology-based security (institutional security, smart-city security and border security) for the period 2020-2024 in Hungary. Basic research concluded in the framework of the “Secure Country – Secure Border” sub-project has identified the need of new methods and equipment for police during the period of temporary reintroduction of border control at the Schengen internal borders. Persons and their vehicles belong to the risk category on the road sections leading to internal borders can be tracked, selected and diverted with the use of an Automated Vehicle Divert (AVD) system. In the longer term, the system will be linked to the concept of the “safe country” by the further development of an integrated software system for analysing data from CCTV camera systems operating at toll, speedand border crossing points throughout Hungary, based on the vehicle registration number and characteristics while driving, and its integration with the AVD system.

    • The motivation for escaping from prisons

      pg(s) 122-125

      The leading motives for perpetrators’ escapes are self-affirmation, self-preservation, identification, increase of self-esteem, achievement of retribution and justice. The precise psychological analysis of the motives for the escapes favours their forecasting, timely crossing and termination. The sustainable motives for the realization of escapes are connected with serious conspiratorial activity. Situational motives for escape are inherent in impulsive and primary personalities.

    • New Zealand and small pacific states towards US-China global contest

      pg(s) 126-130

      In the presented research, the theoretical basis is constructivism and critical geopolitics. In the face of the intensifying US-Chinese rivalry, the main theater of which is the Pacific, the question arises about New Zealand’s position of other small and micro states in the Pacific towards this rivalry. While trying to understand what policies are pursued by the states of this Pacific region in the face of the American-Chinese rivalry, a deep dichotomy and ambivalence of attitudes among small states were noticed. At the same time, it was indicated that it is cultural factors and language, mental and consciousness processes that have a profound impact on shaping the policy of states within the framework set by geopolitics.


    • A Comparative Analysis of HOTP and TOTP Authentication Algorithms. Which one to choose?

      pg(s) 131-136

      Giving the right access, limiting resources, and recognizing a user’s identity are important steps that need to be taken into consideration before entering a certain network. These steps are executed by authentication and authorization. In this paper, we put our focus on authentication algorithms HOTP and TOTP as two algorithms for generating one-time passwords. A one-time password is an automatically generated string of characters – a password that is meant to be used only once. This password is only valid for one login session or transaction. Due to its randomness and usage (only once), it leads to higher security outputs, and that is why this type of password is used in authentication algorithms. We will analyse both algorithms and their working way and will present the obtained results and their usage in practice. The main characteristic is that the HOTP algorithm uses only hash functions and the TOTP algorithm uses time above the hash. To check when each algorithm is better to use, we need to know the given environment and circumstances. In this paper, we will try to answer the question” Which one is better at a particular time?”. Depending on many factors that we analyse through the sections, we are going to make conclusions that will be useful for future planning of good security passwords.

    • Cybersecurity trends

      pg(s) 137-140

      With the evolution of the digital world and the constant interaction in the real time world, even the casual user must be constantly aware of all possible threats and all possible protection actions or at least follow the trends. The vulnerabilities’ definit ions depend on their attacking area but with the huge space of data we never know what exactly is happening and to what is the harmed area. This article is going to provide a basic definition on the term cybersecurity and some of the most common threats along with giving some real vulnerabilities with their impact for the past decade. And as each action needs the actor, at the end there are some of the most popular academies which provide qualitative education to those who want.

    • Vulnerability Analysis in Server Systems

      pg(s) 141-146

      Nowadays with the advancement of technologies and the direct impact of Covid-19 on business processes, more and more services are provided to the end users electronically. This is a convenient method for both providers of these services and consumers, but this trend also leads to several vulnerabilities in the protection of computer server systems and networks, through which communication between the customer and the provider is carried out at a technological level. Impact on computer or network systems is presented.

    • Comparison of Methods for Vibration Detection Using Single-Mode Optical Fiber to Ensuring Information Security

      pg(s) 147-149

      The paper focuses on the security of fiber optic infrastructures. The main purpose of the paper is present the vibration detection system for unauthorized access to the fiber optic infrastructure detection. For this purpose, measurement of vibrations using the interferometric method and the measurement based on state of polarization changes evaluation is presented. For the measurement own designed systems were used. Both systems are theoretically described and the principles of use are explained. The measurement was performed at an experimental workplace in a laboratory at the university Based on evaluation measurement both systems are compared in term of sensitivity.