Methods of Identifying Air Leaks in Pneumatically Operated Equipment in the Industry
In recent decades, it has become commonplace to automate assembly operations, often linked to production technologies within a single flexible production and assembly system. Assembly has a significant impact on global production, both in terms of its share of the total production cost of assembled products and in terms of the number of people employed in this area. The challenge for scientific and technical intelligence is to rapidly acquire production and assembly know-how to achieve target parameters in the shortest possible time. The use of all machinery and equipment forces people to think about how to use energy in the most efficient way, with the least possible loss, either in terms of money or in terms of energy. Every year the cost of energy increases, whether due to depletion of supplies or climate changes.
Compressed air leaks are a serious problem in many industrial and manufacturing environments. These leaks not only increase operating costs but can also have a negative impact on the environment and the health of workers. Compressed air is the most expensive medium and when all basic costs are included, compressed air is many times more expensive than the equivalent of electricity. Therefore, it is necessary to analyse how to prevent high losses in the industry.