Table of Contents


    • Correlations between organized crime and terrorismi

      pg(s) 83-85

      The activities of terrorist organizations in the international arena provide benefits of access to global financial flows, various criminal markets, offshore financial centers and banks that guarantee fast large cashless transactions, with guarantees of business and banking secrets. This often requires connecting with criminal organizations that specialize in financial and cybercrime, which is why terrorists are often associated with organized crime. The link between organized crime and terrorism is usually functional, when organized crime is put into function (financing and arming) of terrorism. At the same time, the connection can be instrumental, when terrorist groups are involved in organized crime, and vice versa – when criminal groups undertake terrorist activities. Precisely, the focus of the work will be on determining these correlations and their security implications, which we must take into account when creating effective strategies for combating organized crime and terrorism.

    • System for minimizing the negative impact of personnel on the airport’s aviation security procedures

      pg(s) 86-90

      The problem of civil aviation safety is largely determined by the “human factor”. Transport security is a multidimensional concept that includes various security factors that are provided by aviation personnel in the relevant areas of professional activity. A particularly important factor should be considered the activities of personnel in the field of airport security. An acceptable level of airport aviation security can be achieved if the level of professional activity of the security personnel meets the established requirements. The system of requirements is implemented in a set of algorithms and procedures for personnel activities, the implementation of which is mandatory in
      strict accordance with the requirements. However, the physical nature of the human component, under the strictest control, does not guarantee absolute compliance with the requirements, i.e. the professional activity of aviation personnel is not guaranteed against accidental or unintentional errors. These errors are a source of negative impact of personnel on the airport’s aviation security. In this case, it is necessary to have the means to minimize the negative impact. The paper considers some software and technical means of minimization


    • Mission displacement for violent groups

      pg(s) 95-97

      This article discusses the value of mission displacement of armed, violent, and resistance groups to turn them to moderate groups who do not count on violence, the definition of mission displacement is the shift of the groups’ means to replace their ends that they pursue, such change ultimately leads to a profound change in their violent nature by discrediting their credibility. The main argument is that groups lose their appeal whenever they are subjected to mission displacement; quite a few turns to become criminal groups rather than terroristic or resistance groups. This article takes the group of Abu Nidal as a case study of how a group was affected by state sponsorship and changed its focus upon the means more than the ends. This displacement degrades the pool of social support to their cause and changes their ‘noble cause’ to an illegitimate cause.


    • Malware in Social Engineering

      pg(s) 98-102

      Internet connectivity became obligatory for the business processes in each organisation and institution. Communication over the public network infrastructure like Internet brings potential threat for the means of social engineering email letters. Recognition of such letters seems to be a problem to workers. Some malware analysis of such example scam letters is made in this research paper. Impact on computer or network systems is presented.

    • Web application with Python and security of the information system

      pg(s) 103-106

      The aim of the research is to develop a database management system for collecting, processing, storing and using information for the teaching of PhD students at a university using the high-level Python language.
      Studied and researched in the process of development are the main characteristics of the most widely used database management systems. The practical aspects of the design, creation and use of databases were analysed. Has been formulated the requirements to the functional capabilities of the developed database. For the development of the web-application was used Python programming language. The database model, the user interface and a set of reports were developed. A physical data model, oriented towards the design and the development of a database management system using the Python programming language was proposed. The main risks and threats to the security of information in the web-application are characterized. Guidelines for infrastructure protection are proposed.

    • Some general traits of the e-cash system and a review of a compact e-cash scheme with practical and complete tracing

      pg(s) 107-110

      The e-cash methodology has its advantages compared to other payment systems and it has brought big changes to the way business is being conducted. Money becomes an intangible item and travels electronically across the world in a widely open network that might expose it to risks. This means that secure end-to-end connections are needed and many different cryptographic algorithms are used to achieve it. In this paper we will go through the main metrics that characterize them and the main properties of the e-cash system. Finally, a review of a compact e-cash scheme with practical and complete tracing will be given.