Table of Contents

  • Exergy analysis of steam turbine governing valve from a super critical thermal power plant

    pg(s) 120-123

    Exergy analysis of steam turbine governing valve from a super critical thermal power plant is presented in this paper. Governing valve was analyzed not only at the highest, but also on two partial steam system loads. The lowest valve exergy destruction is 3598 kW and is obtained at the highest steam system load, while at partial loads of 80% and 60% valve exergy destruction is 13550 kW and 21360 kW. Valve exergy efficiency increases with an increase in system load, from 95.58% at 60% of load to 97.87% at 80% of load. At the highest load, valve exergy efficiency is the highest and is 99.57%. Change in valve steam specific entropy increment (difference in steam specific entropy between valve outlet and inlet) can be used as a tool for quick assessment of valve losses change. The ambient temperature influence on governing valve exergy analysis is low, especially in the highest steam system load where the majority of valve operation can be expected.

  • Theory of factor experiment (matrix of impact) of greenhouse as a composition system for biogas production and regulation for permissible emissions of harmful materials in atmosphere

    pg(s) 124-126

    By applying a complex, exact and scientific approach, was performed the development, calculation and analysis of a complex pilot installation (bioenergetics system consisting of the following elements: greenhouse for early vegetation crops, digester and internal combustion engine powered by biogas). Using the factorial experiment, i.e. applying the matrix of influence, a complete optimization of the internal combustion engine was performed in function of the other elements of the installation. An analysis is also made from the aspect of the positive current EU regulations in the field of air pollution.

  • Current situation and development prospects for mariculture in the republic of Croatia

    pg(s) 127-130

    Mariculture in the Republic of Croatia has a long tradition involving cultivation of white fish, oil-rich fish and shellfish. It is an interesting fact that in Europe cultivation had started in the territory of the Republic Croatia where it has been maintained until today. As the Republic of Croatia has joined the European Union, it has gained access to numerous opportunities for further development and progress of this activity. The Republic of Croatia has adopted the National Strategic Development Plan of Fishing in compliance with provisions of the Council Regulation (EC) No. 1198/2006 on the European Fisheries Fund whereby strategic and development guidelines for this activity are provided for the period 2014 -2020, in harmony with the Common Fisheries Policy.
    The aim and purpose of this work is to analyze the current state of mariculture in the Republic of Croatia and to give a comparative presentation of this activity within the European Union, as well as to estimate prospects for the development and positioning of mariculture of the Republic of Croatia within the European Union member states.

  • Current trends in the maritime leadership training approaches

    pg(s) 139-141

    The paper presents aspects of the current trends in the maritime domain in the context of the diversity management practices and gender perspective. The relevance of the problem increases by different processes like demographic change, labor market fluctuations, shortage of high qualified maritime personnel etc. The changing maritime environment itself is high dynamic and specific. The technological processes in the fast developing maritime industry makes the profession more demanding. Various circumstances in the current globalized and competitive maritime economy challenge the successful implementation of already established practices.Considering the high level of regulation of the seafaring profession the International Maritime Organisation (IMO) put a great value on the development and implementation of new leadership training framework including effective management of the mentioned trends.Change needs time especially when it comes to values, organizational culture or habits.The paper describes some approaches for establishing, managing and changing organisational culture in the shipping industry pursuing the diversity management and gender perspective in the maritime profession.The overview of the presented functional leadership techniques with respect of orientation and retain of female personnel in the seagoing services demonstrates the need to train additional team management skills in the specific maritime environment combining and expanding them on the basis of anti-discrimation, fare ressource provision and adequate promotion which seafarers pointed out as the most common problematic issues by carrying out the duties.

  • The dark side of analogy-making

    pg(s) 142-144

    Analogy-making is the most beautiful manifestation of the fundamental property of human’s thought. It shows how the incoming information maps to the already memorized old one, and they both change until fit consistently. What we see depends on what we already know and vice versa, what we know depends on what we have already seen. It is broadly accepted that ability to make deep analogies is one of the strongest predictors of the intelligence, the creativity, the ability to understand causal relationships. However, analogy-making, being one of the strongest instrument of human though, may have a dark side too. There are examples in the literature how wrong analogies may produce various fallacies of human thought. Widespread beliefs in world conspiracy, superstitions, etc. could be a product of wrong analogies. Different effects of the known phenomena of confirmation bias are also modeled by the sub-processes of analogy-making. This paper systematizes different types of fallacies and possibilities how those effects could be modeled within a cognitive architecture are discussed.

  • An underwater factory

    pg(s) 145-147

    As part of our chemistry club we did a research on the influence of certain external factors on photosynthesis. We chose an experimental approach. Our focus was on aquatic plants in which we were monitoring photosynthesis by measuring generated oxygen.

  • Preparing for global education through language learning and acquanting with the types of intercultural dialogue

    pg(s) 148-150

    Global education in the modern world poses few challenges. The preparation for it in this report, which presents the experience of approbated variants, is two-layer work: linguistic and intercultural. The approach is chosen because of the key role of speech communication and social performance of participants in the global educational space. At the heart of the practical work is the issue of the emotional climate in the learning process and the motivation.

  • The blended learning techniques in technical higher education

    pg(s) 151-153

    Nowadays systems can optimize the presentation of the course’s content, suggesting next steps in subjects studying, dynamical planning of individual lectures with lecturers for students with special needs, and even create timetables of school buses accordingly to the time of courses running. We argue that massive open online courses created in Ukrainian by leading specialists in their fields and their implementation to the educational process can give students an opportunity to get up-to-date knowledge, a chance to study regardless of their financial state or an opportunity to enrol to the leading universities.

  • Model of educational space of the university by means of project activity

    pg(s) 154-156

    The article identifies the problems of the global, planetary morality of the young generation, where the robotics, computerization of the educational process are lost, the main thing is live communication, the interaction of the teacher, the student and the environment between them. The person himself with his spiritual, moral qualities, with his desire and ability to live, study, work in the harmonious world of unity between people on earth is lost.