Table of Contents


    • Generation of test sequences with a given switching activity

      pg(s) 3-6

      The Proposed study is based on the universal method of quasi-random Sobol sequences generation, efficiently used for address test sequence formation. As the mathematical model, a modification of the economical method of Antonov and Saleev is used. The main idea of the suggested approach is the use of generating matrixes with not necessarily the maximum rank for the procedure of generating test patterns. The proposed approach allows the generation of significantly more different sequences with different switching activities of the individual bits as well as the sequences itself. Mathematical expressions are obtained that make it possible to estimate the limiting values of the switching activity, both of the test sequence itself and the individual bits. Examples of the application of the proposed methods are considered.

    • On the acoustic unit choice for the keyword spotting problem

      pg(s) 7-9

      In this paper we examine the results of using different acoustic units for the building of keyword spotting system. The choice of the acoustic unit greatly influences the quality of the resulting system given the dataset and the model complexity. Decomposing the keyword into simple acoustic units requires the prior knowledge. This knowledge might make the task easier (so the resulting accuracy will be higher), but on the other hand even slightly incorrect priors could mislead the model so the quality might drop significantly. We compare using phonemes, syllables, words and several synthetic acoustic units for Russian language. We show that for modern keyword spotting systems phonemes is a robust and high quality choice, especially in low-resource setting.


    • Seasonal dynamics of plant sediment microbial fuel cell efficiency in a moderate continental climate zone

      pg(s) 10-13

      Plant sediment microbial fuel cells (PSMFC) transform solar energy in an environmentally friendly and efficient way. Their integration in constructed wetlands allows the generation of electricity in parallel wastewater treatment. The work of plant sediment microbial fuel cells is influenced by a number of factors, such as environmental conditions, vegetation type, hydraulic retention time, water flow, the presence of heavy metals and other contaminants in the treated water and others. The purpose of this study is to establish the seasonal dynamics of the effectiveness of PSMFC in Moderate continental climate zone. Seasonal changes in environmental conditions have a significant impact on the generation of energy from the PSMFC in regions with moderate continental climate. With the best electrical parameters the cell is characterized in spring and summer. They are significantly lower in autumn and winter. The effectiveness of PSMFC, both as a treatment facility and as electricity generation is directly related to the vegetation period of the planted vegetation and the effectiveness of the photosynthesis, which are a function of the intensity of the light, the duration of the sunshine and the average daily temperatures.

    • Automation of drilling and blasting passport formation with intelligent algorithms

      pg(s) 14-17

      This article is devoted to the problem of a passport for drilling and blasting operations formation, taking into account the main
      characteristics. At most mining enterprises, this process is a manual calculation that leads to errors due to human factor and increases the
      time it takes to generate drilling and blasting passport, and, as a consequence, the time for drilling and blasting.
      The proposed solution is an automated complex that bases its calculations on the data of the cross-section mines shape, the dimensions of
      the height and width of the mine and the cross-sectional area in the tunnel, the fortress on the scale of prof. M.M. Protodyakonov and the
      thickness of the host rocks. All geometrical parameters of tunnel face are obtained automatically based on laser scanning. For further
      calculations, intelligent algorithms are used, implemented using deep learning neural networks (with python tensorflow library). It is worth
      noting that the final decision on the acceptance of the drilling and blasting passport is made by the person in charge. The result of using the
      proposed system is automatically generated passport of drilling and blasting operations, including its alternative variations (due to the
      passport chosen by the person in charge, the system will receive feedback to further improvement of the system algorithm).

    • Optimization of flat solar collector based on the principle of entropy

      pg(s) 18-20

      This article describes the entropy method optimization based on the approach of minimal increase of entropy in the thermodynamic system. Here is presented the experimental set up of flat plate solar collector with liquid as working medium, effective absorber area of the collector 1,4 m2, absorber plate of aluminum, copper pipes and selective coating. A comparative analysis is conducted between the efficiency of a theoretical model of nonisothermal solar collector and the efficiency obtained by measuring the physical model of a solar collector. Results show a general trend of growth the collector efficiency due to the reduction of irreversibility of the represented processes.

    • Investigation of hollow ceramic structures by contactless computer-tomographic nondestructive method

      pg(s) 21-24

      This article deals with the study of the cavity of ceramic constructional elements for the construction of beehives and carriers for electric furnace heaters. Unlike the traditional practice of performing tomography studies to determine the structure and harmful defects in the interior and surface of specimens, in the present studies, the non-destructive non-contact method is used to assess the nature and volume of deliberate fulfilled cavities in ceramic specimens. The role of well-shaped and regulated cavities is to reduce the coefficient of thermal conductivity in the hives to the inside, and in the carriers for heaters to the outer walls of the furnace, i.e. heat loss. The cavity samples are obtained from an aqueous dispersed colloidal system based on patent-protected quartz glass-ceramics by the “pouring” method. The obtained structural details are fireproof, thermally stable and with high physical and mechanical characteristics. They are composed of amorphous SiO2, mullite and cristobalite. The study of the cavity at different beam depths was performed using a NIKON XTH 225 device, and the data processing Volume Graphic, My VGL.

    • Мathematical analysis of an electrical circuit

      pg(s) 25-26

      There are some research about mathematical analysis of electrical circuits. In time when the scientists are in a deep search of invention new alternative ways for producing renewable energy, mathematic postulates and analysis can help optimize the const ruction of electrical circuits and prevent lost of energy. By themselves, the electrical schemas that represent Electrical circuits are a combination of interconnected electronical elements (components). According to the characteristics of the elements of Electrical schemas they are divided into the following groups: Passive and Active, Linear and Nonlinear, Bipolar and Multipolar. In our research we are going to switch from high to low power and vice versa, so we are going to us the abilities of diodes that switch from on to off state. The different values of low and high power of the electrical circuit will be represented programmatically with a cross-platform application – Arduino Integrated Development Environment and programmable language C++.


    • Reducing the catastrophe risk in coastal areas: risk management at FSRU terminals

      pg(s) 27-31

      Today, coastal areas are among the most densely populated and busiest places in the world, with an extremely important economic and social value. With those areas being very intensely exploited, there is a strong possibility of different accidents and catastrophes occurring. Therefore, it is a matter of great importance to implement timely and quality measures to minimize the risk of negative consequences. This research explores the theories of coastal area management and risk management, while focusing on the synthesis of both of them on FSRU terminals. Given the fact that this special type of LNG terminals is becoming more and more present in the coastal areas of the world, this paper implements analysed theories and proposes risk minimising and safety measures for reducing the catastrophe risk with FSFRU terminals and thus contributing to the preservation of the coastal area.


    • Innovative business development and the startup ecosystem in the era of the fourth industrial revolution

      pg(s) 32-36

      The study of the theoretical aspects of the development of innovative business has proved that the most effective form of innovative business, which can create and implement the final product, is a startup. The environment and infrastructure of a startup form its ecosystem. An innovation ecosystem includes economic agents, as well as an innovation environment consisting of ideas, rules of the game, social interactions, and culture. The state of the innovative business and the startup ecosystem of Ukraine behind its main components and institutions are analyzed, and the factors of the development of the startup ecosystem for its competitiveness among the world are determined. Government measures and initiatives should promote the emergence of a community of startup founders who will work closely with other actors in the private sector of the economy and the public sector. At the same time, the state should not assume the role of a leader, but only an initiator.

    • A cybersecurity risk assessment

      pg(s) 37-40

      The main purpose of this paper is to offer a data-driven approach to assess cyber risk and to ensure appropriate confidentiality, integrity, and availability. A study presents the decision hierarchical model of cyber security risk assessment based on AHP methodology and describes a quantitative measure for evaluating and ranking security incidents. It can be used to conduct cost-benefit analysis, design and optimize cybersecurity in the systems.