Table of Contents


    • Computer sensor networks application for air quality events real time identification

      pg(s) 151-155

      The problem of air pollution with fine particulate matter and aerosols is more than topical and extremely serious. There is a need to develop and build reliable geographically distributed air quality monitoring networks to enable real-time data collection. The analysis of such data would help identify the origin of the particles and timely operational measures by the authorities. The research aims at the development of a mobile modular station with autonomous power supply and the experimental feasibility study and as a first step in the construction of a complete network.

    • Internet of Robotic Things (IoRT) Applications

      pg(s) 156-159

      The Internet of Things (IoT) concept is evolving rapidly and influencing new developments in various application domains, such as the Internet of Mobile Things (IoMT), Autonomous Internet of Things (A-IoT), Autonomous Sys-tem of Things (ASoT), Internet of Autonomous Things (IoAT), Internet of Things Clouds (IoT-C) and the Internet of Robotic Things (IoRT) etc. that are progressing/advancing by using IoT technology. Artificial intelligence (AI), robotics, machine learning, and swarm technologies will provide the next phase of development of IoT applications. In this paper, the areas of application of internets of robotics things are given.

    • ANSI/ISA-95 Segment Dependency usage in Finite Capacity Scheduling

      pg(s) 160-163

      The ANSI/ISA-95 (ISO 62264) standard is a key concept driving the implementation of Industry 4.0 in industry. It is a backbone of the Reference Architectural Model for Industry 4.0 (RAMI 4.0) and describes the objects, models and activities on operations management hierarchy level (Level 3). A major model described in the standard is the Planning model, in which is described that the planning activities rely on requirements of personnel, equipment and/or material. Also, a general concept in all models, described in the standard is the process segment that may refer as a combination of specific equipment/asset (with enough capability), a material (with specific quality) and/or a person (with proper qualification). In this article the Segment Dependencies impact on Capacity and Planning models is examined and some conclusions are made.

    • Impact of Industry 4.0 on agricultural industry

      pg(s) 164-166

      Industry 4.0 represents the newest generation of industry development. Every day the various demands in industry are getting more and more demanding. The demand for shorter production and delivery time, more efficient and automated processes has led us to the Industry 4.0. It is necessary to include and integrate the latest developments based on digital technologies as well as the interoperability process across them. The goals is to enable companies to transmit information in real time in terms of performance and behaviour. Industry 4.0 can be applied to any branch of industry. Agricultural industry is no exception. As far as agricultural machinery is concerned, it is a very important part of agricultural industry. Agricultural machinery incorporates electronic controls and it is a part of digital age, enhancing their current performance. In addition to the electronics, using sensors and drones, supports the data collection of several agriculture key aspects, such as weather, animals and crops behaviour, geographical spatialization, etc. The main tasks are how to apply the right methods and methodologies in order to support a better supply chain decision-making process, how to automate the process and how can Industry 4.0 help a person, who is in agricultural industry, in order to make effective decisions based on objective data.



    • Research industry 4.0 application in Slovak companies

      pg(s) 181-183

      A survey was carried out at the Technical University in Košice within the project APVV-15-0351 “Development and application of risk management models in terms of technological systems in accordance with the Industry 4.0 strategy” in order to provide companies with relevant information for assessment how managers in Slovak industry perceive the readiness of organizations to implement Industry 4.0, their current situation and the use of deeper knowledge of the environment in the application of elements of Industry 4.0 for the benefit of their further development. The survey was conducted anonymously.

    • Industry 4.0 – an Enabler for Digital Sales Processes

      pg(s) 184-189

      Why should and how can the instruments of Industry 4.0 be applied to the sales process in order to automatically take customer needs and market knowledge into account? After briefly analysing the key technologies of Industry 4.0, this article focuses on two instruments: Integrating sales data into an ecosystem of new kinds of Digital Twins enhances the simulation of the manufacturing process as well as enables the description of the entire customer journey and eventually ―co-creation‖ with customers. Secondly, Platform Architectures establish dynamic symbiotic networks between Industry 4.0 producers, suppliers and customers which create more value for
      individuals, companies and society.

    • RFID technology for the development and competitiveness of an SME in the Croatian metalworking industry

      pg(s) 190-193

      Today, it is imperative that small and medium enterprises (SMEs), which are the backbone of any economy, make the transition to the Industry 4.0 paradigm and adopt new technologies to improve business and become competitive in the marketplace. Some SMEs in the metalworking industry in Croatia face the challenges of achieving and maintaining a competitive position in the market within the Industry 4.0 paradigm. Due to problems with inadequate enterprise information systems, without the application of innovative technologies, due to obsolete machinery and equipment in production, enterprises cannot compete in a globalized market. Enterprises need to respond quickly to customized and individualized customer requirements and need to be flexible for producing numerous versions of products in small batches. To achieve this, enterprises need to introduce new innovative technologies of Industry 4.0, such as Big Data, Internet of Things, Artificial Intelligence, RFID technology, …
      The objective of this paper is to review RFID technology and propose a conceptual model for the application of RFID technology in a metalworking enterprise in Croatia. That enterprise belongs to the category of SMEs that represent the basis of the economy of each country. The paper describes the problems faced by the company in production monitoring and gives a proposal for the application of RFID technology to monitor the production and to facilitate production management using an ERP system.


    • Sustainable development through corporate social responsibility policy in Bulgaria’s biosector

      pg(s) 194-197

      The bioeconomy, as a complementary segment of the circular economy, encompasses all sectors and systems that rely on biological and environmental resources, their functions and principles. It can lead to the discovery of new opportunities to provide food, goods and energy without depleting the planet’s limited biological resources. It can turn algae into fuel, recycle plastics, produce furniture or clothing from waste, and create organic fertilizers from industrial waste products. It has the potential to create over a million new “green jobs” by 2030. Bio-sector enterprises play a key role in accelerating the achievement of the UN’s global goals. They contribute to reducing climate change and waste, creating new jobs and building sustainable development in a modern society. Corporate social responsibility is a concept that reflects the quality of the relationship between an organization and society. According to the European Commission’s Green Paper, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is “a concept that serves companies as a basis for voluntarily integrating social and environmental aspects into their business strategies and relationships with all stakeholders.”
      The purpose of this report is to examine how the principles of corporate social responsibility affect biosector enterprises in Bulgaria and the adequacy of the country’s policy to engage them to adopt global goals for sustainable development. The results of the study show that CSR is not seen as a one-time act, but as a sustainable process, helping to balance the three pillars of sustainable development – economic growth, social development and environmental protection.