Table of Contents


    • EBL in the Industry 4.0 Era

      pg(s) 381-384

      In this work, electron beam lithography (EBL) is presented as an important technology shaping the future of semiconductor manufacturing within the Industry 4.0 initiative. The EBL contribution to the ongoing evolution of electronic devices and technologies is discussed in the context of the Industry 4.0 initiative. Semiconductor technologies are foundational to the implementation of Industry 4.0, playing a critical role in enabling advanced computing, communication, sensing, and control systems. They facilitate the creation of intelligent, interconnected, and automated systems in the Industry 4.0 initiative. In addition, we present some of our results in the field of EBL research. The focus is on investigating the electron beam resist profile depending on various process parameters. The influence of electron beam lithography parameters, such as electron energy, resist thickness, and exposure dose, on the resist sidewall shape (profile) is studied for the PMMA (polymethyl-methacrylate) positive electron beam resist. Simulation results based on measurements along the resist profile depth are presented and discussed. The aim of this work is to develop and validate models for predicting and precisely controlling resist profiles in thick PMMA layers applied in the fabrication of electronic devices.

    • Application of perfect binary lattices for signal generation in multi-channel communication systems

      pg(s) 385-387

      In multichannel data transmission systems noise-like signals, generated on the basis of derivatives of the Walsh function are used. The article examines the correlation properties of derivatives of Walsh functions with generating functions in the form of perfect binary lattices, which make it possible to provide the necessary data synchronization when receiving signals. Also, it was justified the advantage of using these signals in the development of CDMA systems in order to reduce the interference level of multiple access and to protect against unauthorized access.


    • Design a tracking system for optimum solar energy

      pg(s) 388-394

      Environmental and economic problems caused by over dependence on fossil fuels have increased the demand and request for green energy produced by alternative renewable sources. Solar energy systems have emerged as a viable source of renewable energy over the past two or three decades, and are now widely used for a variety of industrial and domestic applications. Such systems are based on a solar collector, designed to collect the sun’s energy and to convert it into either electrical power or thermal energy. Solar energy is predictable to play a great role in the infrastructure as a distributed source, due to the fact that it is an easily available renewable source of energy. In Jordan, natural conditions for solar are excellent, with an intensity of direct solar radiation with 5 to 7 kWh/m². The main purpose of the present study to estimate the performance of a solar tracking photovoltaic (PV) panel of dual axis type, through designing, construction and testing of a solar tracking system which automatically searches the optimum PV panel position with respect to the sun by means of a DC motors controlled by Arduino Mega board that receives input signals from dedicated Light Dependent Resistor (LDR), and compare the results with fixed PV panel. The results showed that the use of the Dual-Axis Tracking System can produce about 37.37% gain of power output, compared with a fixed system inclined at 30° to the horizon.

    • Environmentally Friendly Material Used in Building Construction: Wood-Cement Briquette for Earthquake Zones

      pg(s) 395-397

      This study presented a sustainable construction material, wood-cement briquette, for construction indust. Wood-cement briquette has significant advantages as compared to the traditional cement briquettes such as lower carbon footprint, lower cost, easy production, environmental friendliness, sustainability. Wood-cement briquettes have a good thermal insulation and sound insulation than traditional briquettes. In addition to wood, other lignocellulosic materials such as hemp and flax can be also used in the producrion. Especially, it is a better material for buildings located in earthaqure -prone areas because the relatively elastic structrure of wood makes it a good material in regions prone to seismic activity. Wood-cement briquettes are suitable material for single or dublex buildings. It is estimated that its use will considerably increase in construction industry in near future. This study, characteristics of raw materials used in wood-cement briquette, the physical and mechanical properties and potential uses of wood-cement briquettes are given in this review study.

    • Effect of zirconium dioxide on the obtaining of layers synthesized by zol-gel technology for photovoltaic applications

      pg(s) 398-400

      Thin films deposited on glass substrates by sol-gel containing ZrO2 show photocatalytic activity, which are compared with TiO2 – which is used as a standard photocatalytic material applied in photovoltaics. By modifying ZrO2, coatings on glass surfaces were obtained, which are characterized by high properties, which are a prerequisite for use in photovoltaics. The coatings are dense and nanocrystal line according to SEM and XRD studies and optically transparent according to UV-VIS-NIR spectra

    • Calculation of telescopic-boom bending stress capacity using fem software, in support of project logistics decisions

      pg(s) 401-405

      Complex structural steel structure projects must be realized with the aid of specialized logistical technologies to meet all the design technical specifications. Selecting which equipment to employ, particularly when we need to elevate heavy structural steel components at an elevation higher than 8 meters, requires not only experience and the use of standard techniques for the logistic management of construction processes but also requires stress capacity calculations of the constituent elements of the machines that we will use for the implementation of the project. An indispensable machine for the realization of steel structures is the telescopic forklift, which serves to lift steel elements at different heights and positions, for a relatively long time, to assemble structure elements such as columns, trusses, beams, automated cranes, etc. In this paper, we have designed a telescopic forklift and calculated the stress capacity of the structural elements that compound the telescopic-boom, using the finite element software (FEM) Solid Works. Carrying out simulations with the corresponding load that we have to deal with in the realization of the project, allows us to change the section thickness of the telescopic boom or to use other logistic equipment with a higher capacity.

    • The assessment of Trip steel innovation potential when used for the deformation zone’s parts

      pg(s) 406-409

      Nowadays, a lot of emphasis is placed on the car safety. It’s very difficult to ensure the highest possible body strength using conventional tests. The correct testing method is the basis for the safety of the car bodies. It is less expensive and time-consuming to apply deformation characteristics testing to selected types of steel than to produce a complete body and then test its deformation properties. The three-point bending test makes it possible to determine the absorption potential of the selected sheet metal. The purpose of this article is to evaluate innovation potential of the multiphase Trip steel, which is used in the automotive industry for the body-in-white structural components, and deformation elements mainly.

    • Influence of variable compression ratio on emissions of a single cylinder- 4 stroke engine fueled with/etanol/gasoline blends

      pg(s) 410-412

      Impact of changing compression ratio by varying the combustion chamber geometry on the engine performance was investigated, SI single cylinder air-cooled engine fuelled with unleaded gasoline and pure ethanol was used. These tests were conducted on three different compression ratios of, 7:1 8.5:1, and 10:1 with a wide-open throttle, and three different ignition timing, before and after top died centre. . The results showed that the BMEP (brake mean effective pressure), BTE (brake thermal efficiency), and BSFC (brake specific fuel consumption) obtained with the use of gasoline blends at all CRs were generally increased when they were compared to those of pure gasoline. In general, ethanol provided a lower exhaust emission compared to gasoline’s emissions at all CRs. Furthermore NOx emissions was affected much more than other exhaust emissions when changing the compression ratios compared to un leaded gasoline © 2018 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.
      Peer-review under responsibility of the organizing committee of ICEER 2018

    • Review of the chemical and active compounds of the lyophilized essential oli of Thymus vulgaris L. with special reference ot the preservation of the quality of the finished product

      pg(s) 413-418

      The article reviews the chemical and active compounds of the lyophilized essential oil of Thymus vulgaris L. and its preservation qualities. Thymus vulgaris is a medicinal plant belonging to the Lamiaceae family, with a long history of use for its therapeutic properties. The essential oil of T. vulgaris has been widely studied for its antimicrobial, antioxidant, and anti-inflammatory activities. The amounts and types of chemical compounds can vary depending on the genetic differences or environmental conditions of the plant materials. The primary components of the essential oil responsible for most of its biological effects include thymol, carvacrol, and p-cymene. The essential oil of T. vulgaris has been reported to exhibit a wide range of pharmacological activities, including antimicrobial, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antifungal, and antiviral activities. In recent years, there has been increasing interest in the use of T. vulgaris essential oil as a natural preservative in food products.


    • Challenges to the analysis of available data on crisis events and their effects on transport infrastructure under climate change

      pg(s) 419-422

      The article focuses on issues related to the assessment and interpretation of existing data on crisis events in the context of transport infrastructure. In the face of global climate change, analyzing these data becomes increasingly complex and requires in-depth consideration. The main challenges the paper addresses include the lack of comprehensive and up-to-date data, limited opportunities to analyze causal relationships between climate events and their impact on transport infrastructure, and shortcomings in existing analysis methodologies. The authors call for the development of new, more efficient methods of data collection and analysis that can serve as a basis for future strategic decisions.

    • Energy policy in the service of the climate – status and trends

      pg(s) 423-426

      Despite the efforts of the world community to limit global warming by reducing the greenhouse gas emissions emitted by societies, studies show that the levels continue to rise, and this hides a number of consequences for people’s lives. The European Union, with its 8% share of generated global emissions, is not among the leaders in emitting harmful greenhouse gases, but it is among the leaders in pursuing a systematic and strict policy of climate neutrality. A European Climate Act for a green transition was introduced in 2021, setting a binding target for EU countries of net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050, with an intermediate target of 55% by 2030 compared to 1990 levels. The purpose of this report is to follow the policy of the Union, the state and trends in the field of energy from renewable sources and energy efficiency and the participation of Bulgaria in the progress towards achieving the set goals.

    • Design and construction based on climate scenarios and regional climate models

      pg(s) 427-430

      The application of old climate data in the design of buildings and transport infrastructure that will be used in the future is problematic because of climate change. On the other hand, it is currently unknown what the success of human actions to limit them will be. This leads to some uncertainty about the exact parameters of the climate until the year 2100. This requires a new approach to design and construction in the context of climate change. The article examines the impact of RCP (Representative Concentration Pathway) climate scenarios and regional climate models based on them, on design and construction for energy efficiency and sustainability. The significance of different RCP scenarios and the need for spatiotemporal scaling of climate data are discussed. The disadvantages of using a static representative climatic year (as it is in the Bulgarian regulatory documents for energy efficiency) are analyzed compared to its dynamic and adaptive variant.