Table of Contents



    • Innovations and innovative potential in the context of new trends in business management in Slovakia

      pg(s) 89-92

      The importance of innovation is increasingly emphasized and understood these days to ensure the future growth of enterprise and its survival. Innovations allow companies to coordinate their operations with changes that occur in their environment, changes in the market and with the ever-changing needs of customers. Innovation is understood as a very important factor of organizational performance and its survival and prosperity in a competitive environment. The company’s innovative potential represents the company’s ability to implement all innovation processes and defines how effectively the company can not only create but also use its innovations. The company’s innovation and innovative potential are the most important and complex issues that companies currently face and is the key to the success of all organizations. The competition that companies have to compete with is strong and over time the customer requirements themselves are becoming more and more demanding, so it is increasingly important for the company to be aware of its innovative potential, which it can develop by introducing and using new innovations. It is important for companies to be able to anticipate and address the challenges that come their way and transform them into creative and innovative solutions and to respond effectively to unforeseen events. The main aim of the paper is, based on the analysis of theoretical knowledge, to identify innovation and innovative potential in business management reflecting current changes and challenges in the environment, and to assess their importance by Slovak companies.

    • Innovation as a necessary factor in the development of the gold mining industry in Azerbaijan

      pg(s) 93-95

      This article presents analysis of the current situation of the gold mining industry of Azerbaijan. The analysis is performed a review of the main individual problems of the country’s gold mining industry. It is found that the gold for Azerbaijan is a priority and highly liquid type of strategic minerals along with fuel and energy raw materials and some other important minerals.Also, it is noted that the gold mining industry of Azerbaijan, as a young branch of the economy, has a promising future. And the study of innovation ways of development in this industry is of particular importance for the republic.

    • Covid-19 impact on the going concern assessment – the management perspective

      pg(s) 96-99

      The pandemic outbreak has significantly impacted many businesses and their ability to continue operating as a going concern. Going concern is a basic accounting principle as well as one of the fundamental assumptions under the International Financial Reporting Standards. The management is responsible to determine whether the going concern assumption is relevant in the preparation of company’s financial statements. With the progress of the novel coronavirus the focus on whether an entity is a going concern should be heightened. Taking into consideration the continuing uncertainty in the Covid-19 environment, the aim of the paper is to discuss the challenges through the lens of the company’s management in the assessment of the going concern assumption. Few questions that should be considered when performing the analyses as well as some of the factors that contribute to a robust assessment are outlined. A special attention is given to disclosure requirements and their improvement in the Covid-19 context.

    • CO2 credit reduction rate impact on the economy of the 27MW wind power farm Case study: Qafë-Thanë, Pogradec

      pg(s) 100-104

      This work is focused on CO2 credit rate impact application as one of the most feasible technology to make the wind turbines cost effective for power generation. Wind energy is clean, infinite and environment friendly source of energy. However, wind energy systems, alone or hybrid systems have a high potential to reduce CO2 emissions, fuel and total cost of the system compared to the other options applied historically in power sector. Such systems are foreseen to play a key role in a stable, costless and emission-less way especially in large scale applications. The performance, availability, costs and carbon intensity of wind power indicate that CO2 credit rate can make a very substantial contribution to reduce carbon emissions and gain the security of investment of RES technologies. The other options applied would deliver only partial emission reductions, therefore, are not sufficient to attain the 2030 national energy goals so they have to rely on renewable energy technologies. Policy makers and interest parties/investors need to focus unerringly on scaling up the actual developed few options consistent with reaching the zero-emission goal.


    • Innovative self-compacting fiber-reinforced concrete with compensated shrinkage for machinery steel anchors grouting

      pg(s) 105-107

      The technical design of ETEM factory (Sofia) requires the specialized conveyor stretching machine to be monolithic fitted by using of system of steel anchor rods with a diameter of 30 and 40 mm and different lengths (600-700 mm), which have to be grouted in pre-left holes with a diameter of about 150 mm in steel-reinforced concrete foundation slab.
      The technically determined anchoring depth determines the total thickness of the anchor layer within 700-800 mm, reaching the “lower edge of the steel support plate”. The company’s produced grouting compositions generally have significant limitations in terms of the maximum allowable thickness of a single layer – usually up to 30-40 mm, which implies multi-stroke implementation to fill the entire anchoring depth.
      Given the above, and mainly, taking into account the conditions of laying and the specifics of the operating mode of the facility, thepossibility to use concrete batching plant produced high-strength self-compacting fiber-reinforced concrete with compensated shrinkage (to some degree of self-stressing) is estimated as an attractive alternative from a technical and financial point of view.
      After the innovative mix design of that an innovative composition of concrete and its casting in real production conditions, specialized laboratory tests were conducted to prove its strength-deformation characteristics – compressive strength, tensile strength in bending, modulus of elastic deformation and shrinkage characteristics. The obtained results prove that the required high technical and technological characteristics of the concrete mix and the hardened concrete are completely achieved precise for the specific application ca se.

    • Application of flow-drill technology for joining thin metal materials

      pg(s) 108-111

      The paper presents the results of testing the joints of unequal materials using flow-drill technology and a combination of flow-drill technology and adhesive bonding. The formed joints were tested by tensile and shear test according to ISO 12996. The positive effect of adhesive bonding on the load-bearing capacity of the joints and on the stress distribution in the tested materials was observed.

    • Modern copper electrolyte holes for multi-layer printed curcuit boards

      pg(s) 112-113

      This work is devoted to the study of the stage of galvanic copper plating of through-holes in multilayer printed circuit boards. Hole plating is one of the most difficult stages and requires high-tech electrolytes and equipment. The present study was carried out within the framework of the development of a domestic electrolyte for copper plating of PCB holes and is devoted to the study of the effect of the nature and concentration of brightening additives on the gloss of a copper coating.

    • Investigation of evaporation with open water surface in forced convection

      pg(s) 114-117

      Numerous publications in the literature deal with the investigation of evaporation under forced convection; however, no correlation between the available equations would describe the process and the evaporation rate with high reliability and in a wide range of interpretation. The main parameters influencing the evaporation rate are air temperature, relative humidity and velocity of air, liquid temperature, and the surface area of the evaporating liquid. The cases of evaporation were categorized as a function of the indicated parameters under forced convection. For the case with constant gas and liquid parameters, a general Sherwood equation was created using the literature results which can be used to estimate the rate of evaporation, the rate of mass transfer. For this, an equivalent characteristic length and the ratio of gas and liquid temperature were determined

    • Preparation of Ba0.95 Sm0.05 TiO3 Ceramics by Low Temperature Sol-Gel Method. Change in Dielectric Permittivity with Temperature

      pg(s) 118-121

      Barium titanate ceramics doped with samarium were synthesized by low temperature sol-gel method. The physicochemical characterization of the samples was carried out by X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). A pure BaTiO3 cubic phase was obtained. A technological regulation has been developed for the preparation of test samples .Monitoring ofthe relative dielectric permittivity of Sm-doped BaTiO3 ceramics with temperature changes (at frequency of 10 kHz) was realized.The resulting curve is typical of ferromagnetic material. The synthesized barium titanate ceramics possesses a high dielectric constant – 17500 at a Curie temperature Tc (65oC). The obtained values for the relative dielectric permittivity and Curie temperature of Sm-doped barium titanate ceramics are much better in comparison to conventionally non-doped BaTiO3-εr = 2000 and Tc = 120°C.

    • Similarities between natural limestone filler and artificial bf slag filler used for the preparation of asphalt mixtures

      pg(s) 122-125

      In Romania, one of the most used filler for the preparation of asphalt mixtures are limestone filler. This is due to the limi ted requirements of the Romanian standards which impose precisely what kind of materials should be used to prepare asphalt mixtures, compared to the European standards who tempt to request physical-mechanical characteristics of the designed material. Its components can be chosen based on required specification.
      Considering these conditions, the usage of bf slag filler seems as good as the usage of limestone filler to obtain the same characteristics of asphalt mixtures.
      Bf slag filler and limestone filler has similar properties and behaves similarly in asphalt mixtures. The study presents the similarities between these two types of filler, an artificial one obtained at the Liberty Galati steel plant, and a natural one, obtained in Arsita – Iacobeni quarry. Both can be used as a construction material in Romania, but the usage of artificial material is not quite common yet. This study presents the characteristics of fillers, both as a potential use in asphalt mixture formula.
      To declare de values, bf slag was crushed in laboratory. The same tests were performed on filler and the obtained values were declared in accordance with the SR EN 13043:2008 standard.

    • Study on HD cameras with CMOS sensor degradation upon ionizing radiation exposition

      pg(s) 126-128

      In this paper we have exposed 3 HD cameras with CMOS sensor in long time experiment at different doses and exposition time with γ radiation from 2 sources of ionizing radiation – cobalt 60 (Co60) and cesium 137 (Cs137) at room temperature imitating the working conditions of “hot cell” premises. All components of the used camera are without radiation reinforcement, excluding the lenses. During the experiment, we found degradation of the irradiated cameras. As the absorbed dose increases, the image becomes brighter. Furthermore, experimental results demonstrated decreasing in signal-noise ratio (SNR) with increasing the absorbed dose. We confirmed that the HD
      industrial cameras can operate in ionizing radiation environment with moderate decrease of