Bulgaria’s long journey from consumer to producer of energy equipment

    Industry 4.0, Vol. 8 (2023), Issue 5, pg(s) 175-177

    The development of energy in our country is one of the good examples, thanks to which it can be claimed that Bulgaria is growing into an industrial country. The study of the stages in this development shows a different attitude towards this industry during the first half of the previous century and then, until the end of the socialist period. Until the middle of the century, energy was extremely underestimated as an area on which the general industrial growth depended, it was neglected financially as a secondary area, for which the differences remained from investments in other directions. A quite natural consequence of this was the weak technical training of the intelligentsia and the inability to develop its own energy production, which led to technological dependence on more developed countries. After the middle of the century, a reversal is noticeable, thanks to which the negative trends are abandoned. There are results that speak for the prioritization of
    energy policy.
    In addition to being singled out as a separate industry, the energy industry also robs the largest capital funds. The leading understanding is that without the development of energy, there would be no development at all. Undoubtedly, Bulgaria’s great achievements in engineering, metallurgy, transport and other industrial sectors would not have been possible without the successful development of the Bulgarian energy industry.


    Industry 4.0 and Innovation

    Innovations, Vol. 10 (2022), Issue 1, pg(s) 3-5

    Explosive changes in technology are having a significant impact on all industries. Robotics, artificial intelligence, cyber physics systems, cloud computing, IoT and blockchain technology, 5G, nanotechnology, 3D printing are all defining elements of Industry 4.0. The integrated use of these methods enables the perception and display of the external environment, which significantly enables improvements in each industry. In the future, we expect a fusion of physical, digital, and biological technologies, which will provide new opportunities for innovative solutions. The authors of the present study present a future study to predict innovative solutions to key global challenges.


    Development in the educational process and research and production activity of modern technologies and technical means of field irrigation

    Mechanization in agriculture & Conserving of the resources, Vol. 67 (2021), Issue 3, pg(s) 85-88

    The main condition for the effective use of existing reclamation systems in Ukraine is to increase the productivity of reclaimed lands along with improving their ecological condition. This is emphasized in a number of state documents, namely: Presidentia l Decrees, Resolutions of the Verkhovna Rada, Laws of Ukraine. One of the main reasons for the weak dynamics of the revival of the domes tic reclamation complex is the lack of qualified management and technological staff in the infrastructure that provides reclamation agriculture. Therefore, in the educational process these issues are given more and more attention. Reclamation agriculture is considered b y scientists as a complex technology for sustainable development of production in the agricultural sector of the economy. There is a systematic approach to the development of modern technologies and technical means of irrigation for the sustainable development of agricultural production, obtaining quality products, preserving the fertility of lands, fauna and flora that inhabit it with important conceptual tasks of the educational process and research and production activities. Current strategic issues include: the formation of water policy in Ukraine in view of the availability of water resources and the development of adaptation measures in the context of climate change; development of conceptual bases of restoration and development of irrigation and drainage in Ukraine. And also – water resources of Ukraine and modern methods of research of aquatic ecosystems; scientific bases of formation of sustainable bioenergy agroecosystems; system of laboratory diagnostics of water-physical properties of soils; scientific and methodological bases of organization and conduct of ecological and reclamation monitoring; water and ecological risks of transformation of reclaimed lands and ways of their minimization; information technologies in scientific research in the field of agricultural reclamation, etc. Important issues in the development of modern technologies and technical means of irrigation also include: conceptual principles of irrigation management; features of designing irrigation systems; method of setting watering dates – the basis of irrigation regimes; use of the method “Penman-Monteith” for irrigation management; irrigation management based on phytomonitoring; use of remote sensing data for irrigation control; Irrigation management information system “Irrigation online”; operation of irrigation systems; technologies of repair and restoration works on hydraulic structures of irrigation systems, etc.


    Research and justification of the possibilities, relevance and correctness of the monitoring and correction of the strategy, diagnosis of the prospects of its further use on industrial enterprises

    Machines. Technologies. Materials., Vol. 13 (2019), Issue 9, pg(s) 400-403

    It is established that the main activities include: exercising control over the rational use of resources; reducing the cost of using and maintaining outdated equipment; increasing of production capacity; upgrading of equipment; improvement of production technology; production of unique products and improvement of their quality; diversification; automation of the production process by eliminating manual labor; reduction of pollutant emissions, search for new sources of raw materials; rational use of working capital and fixed assets. It is noted that marketing directions in the process of monitoring and adjusting the strategy, diagnostics and finding prospects for its further use include a set of actions concerning: exploring new markets for products; use of discount system for goods and services; application of modern pricing methods; product updates; production of new products according to existing orders; new methods of product promotion; improving customer service. The financial directions in the process of monitoring and adjusting the strategy, diagnostics and finding prospects for its further use are determined, they are aimed at providing the process of development and implementation of the IA strategy with sufficient financial resources, correlation of the planned effect with the achieved, estimation of the amount of expenses for carrying out research works, development technologies, their introduction into production, production of new products, its supply, search for consumers. The justified use of financial directions in the process of monitoring and adjusting the strategy, diagnostics and finding prospects for its further use allows to create some methods of protection from risks impact, to improve financial activity of the enterprise, to rise the effectiveness of IA organization, to increase sales volumes.. The factors of influence on the development of innovation strategy and the development of innovation activity of industrial enterprises are suggested.


    Organization of the management system for efficiency of use of investment potential at industrial enterprises

    Innovations, Vol. 7 (2019), Issue 3, pg(s) 94-96

    The possibilities of using the investment potential of industrial enterprises are investigated. The expediency of formation of investment potential of industrial enterprises is substantiated. The methods and procedure for assessing the effectiveness of the investment potential of the enterprise are analyzed. The organization of the system for managing the efficiency of the investment potential of an industrial enterprise is proposed.

  • Technological processes and stages of plant growth and development

    Mechanization in agriculture & Conserving of the resources, Vol. 64 (2018), Issue 6, pg(s) 223-227

    The importance of agriculture lies in the fact that its organic substances are an irrevocable source of energy without which the existence and everyday life of man and a substantial part of the animal world are impossible. Man, as a higher biosystem, defines the nature and importance of agriculture as a production sector.


    Machines. Technologies. Materials., Vol. 12 (2018), Issue 8, pg(s) 309-312

    The article presents the structure of the aircraft repair industry in Ukraine. It is proved that the main customer of aircraft construction and aircraft repair enterprises are air carriers, which determine the demand for the services of aircraft repair enterprises. The features of aircraft repair enterprises and their economic and financial condition are considered. The problems, conditions and directions of development, as well as the prospects of the aircraft repair industry are clarified. The problems affecting the investment activity of the industry are identified. The investment directions for further development of aircraft repair enterprises are proposed.



    Machines. Technologies. Materials., Vol. 12 (2018), Issue 4, pg(s) 172-174

    The project to build a second nuclear power plant in Bulgaria emerged in the 70s of XX century. He repeatedly starts and stops over the past decades, mostly under the influence of external and internal policy decisions. Meanwhile, Bulgarian taxpayers pay large sums for errors and indecision of our political elite. Time specialists in this area say their arguments and take the best decision for Bulgaria instead of wasting money without end.



    Machines. Technologies. Materials., Vol. 11 (2017), Issue 11, pg(s) 541-544

    Until Currently in the countries of Europe there is an intensification of the introduction of modern microprocessor systems of railway automation and the increase of their functional capabilities. The introduction of additional functions of control and monitoring systems, tightening of the requirements for the safety of their operation, mutual integration and unification of systems for various purposes, the complication of the implementation of processing of logical dependencies require fundamentally new approaches to the development of software and hardware of a new generation. In this regard, scientific and applied research aimed at the development of appropriate technologies is being conducted, based on the common methods and tools used in the formation of control and monitoring systems for various objects of the railway transport infrastructure. The proposed material contains the main results of such studies conducted over the past five years, as well as the main directions for further improving the development of microprocessor-based rail automation systems.



    Science. Business. Society., Vol. 1 (2016), Issue 4, pg(s) 31-32

    ICT is a very dynamic sector, developing at a rapid pace in the recent years. The development of technology enhances the ability of the operators to provide new and better services, at constant price reduction of the services. Nevertheless, the total volume of the electronic communications market in 2014 constituted 3.1% of the total GDP (Gross domestic product) of Bulgaria.

    In the state there is a steady trend of increasing the share of the mobile services compared to the fixed services. Mobile voice services have a leading role in the development of the electronic communications market. With the development of broadband technology, although at a slower pace is increasing the penetration of the fixed broadband access. Services for data and / or internet access are on third place by importance in the telecommunications market.