Bulgaria’s long journey from consumer to producer of energy equipment
The development of energy in our country is one of the good examples, thanks to which it can be claimed that Bulgaria is growing into an industrial country. The study of the stages in this development shows a different attitude towards this industry during the first half of the previous century and then, until the end of the socialist period. Until the middle of the century, energy was extremely underestimated as an area on which the general industrial growth depended, it was neglected financially as a secondary area, for which the differences remained from investments in other directions. A quite natural consequence of this was the weak technical training of the intelligentsia and the inability to develop its own energy production, which led to technological dependence on more developed countries. After the middle of the century, a reversal is noticeable, thanks to which the negative trends are abandoned. There are results that speak for the prioritization of
energy policy.
In addition to being singled out as a separate industry, the energy industry also robs the largest capital funds. The leading understanding is that without the development of energy, there would be no development at all. Undoubtedly, Bulgaria’s great achievements in engineering, metallurgy, transport and other industrial sectors would not have been possible without the successful development of the Bulgarian energy industry.