Increasing production efficiency through an innovative hybrid monitoring system

    Industry 4.0, Vol. 9 (2024), Issue 6, pg(s) 237-240

    Globalization in the modern world covers all areas of life, economy and modern technology, politics and culture. The rapid development of information and communication technologies makes it possible to provide competitive advantages to business organizations. In recent decades, information systems have led to a dramatic increase in the productivity of large and small businesses. This enables an accelerated transition to climate neutrality and digital transformation of the economy, society and industry and requires new technologies, investments and innovations to ensure the sustainable development and competitiveness of every business and a resource-efficient and competitive economy as a whole. The integration of digital technologies in production processes plays an increasingly important role in shaping the competitiveness of enterprises and their sustainable development in the modern world.


    Experience of applying the acoustic emission method for monitoring systems

    Trans Motauto World, Vol. 9 (2024), Issue 2, pg(s) 43-45

    An important aspect in organizing acoustic emission monitoring is the analysis of recorded data and selecting useful information. Despite noise suppression using frequency methods, its quantity in the recorded information can reach 99% because the process of degradation during operation typically progresses slowly, whereas the presence of acoustic noise is an inherent attribute of the technological process.
    Noise suppression after data recording is carried out within the framework of the monitoring system’s software, although filtering algorithms may be specific to each application.


    Use of modern innovative technology for monitoring rivers and springs to determine water quantity

    Mechanization in agriculture & Conserving of the resources, Vol. 66 (2022), Issue 3, pg(s) 103-104

    Researchers monitor rivers and springs to predict what part of the water resources to use for irrigation for industry, drinking needs to maintain ecosystems. The main task of the scientific staff is to monitor and control the water quantities coming out freely from natural caverns, rock crevices, free-flowing rivers and springs. The measurements of kinematic quantities, can serve not only for the quantitative evaluation of the runoff, but also for the verification of the theoretically derived hydraulic dependencies in the different forms of water movement. When determining the water quantities, observations of the runoff are carried out, as well as the measured parameters can serve to play an important role in the construction of water management facilities


    Hydrometric monitoring of rivers and canals-technological innovations

    Mechanization in agriculture & Conserving of the resources, Vol. 66 (2022), Issue 2, pg(s) 81-82

    The protection of soils and waters is an extremely important issue for humanity. The main task to be done by the scientific staff is to monitor and control the water quantities leaving the water management facilities. Measurements of kinematic quantities can be used not only for quantitative assessment of runoff, but also for verification of theoretically derived hydraulic dependency in different forms of water movement. They are the basis for experimental determination of a number of theoretically introduced coefficients measurement of the hydraulic quantities determining them. Hydro metric measurement of non-pressure currents is a specific activity that has gained wide application around the world. When determining the water quantities, observations of the river outflow are made, also the measured parameters can be used for other engineering tasks in the construction of hydro technical facilities.[1]


    Possibilities for application of sediment microbial fuel cells as biosensors for monitoring of recurrent water pollution with copper

    Industry 4.0, Vol. 7 (2022), Issue 3, pg(s) 114-117

    Sediment microbial fuel cells (SMFCs) are special microbial fuel cells in which the anode is placed in the anaerobic sediment and the cathode is immersed in the surface layer of water. Natural electroactive bacteria decompose organic compounds in sediment, producing electrons and protons. The electrons reach the cathode through an external electrical circuit, while the protons pa ss through the soil layer, which acts as a kind of membrane. Oxygen is in many cases the preferred electron acceptor due to i ts presence in the cathode region and its high potential. Heavy metal ions and other compounds can also be reduced on the cathode, which will increase the energy generated. Based on the above characteristics, SMFCs would be suitable for application as biosensors and would be suitable for monitoring recurrent water pollution with heavy metals. In the present study, the possibility of application of SMFCs as biosensors for recurrent water pollution with copper has been studied. A high correlation was found between the concentration of copper ions and the voltage generated by SMFC, as the coefficient of determination reached 0.9921.


    Warning and reporting of biological incidents during military operations

    Security & Future, Vol. 5 (2021), Issue 1, pg(s) 14-17

    In the past years, NATO member countries have faced the threat of bioterrorism, which requires the development of capabilities to deal with this threat. Timely detection and accurate identification of the type of bioagent used is essential for early wa rning of threatened military units, as part of the process of prevention and reduction of human casualties, as well as for the spread of the disease. The possible use of biological agents as weapons of mass destruction (WMD) is presented in the report. The military reconnaissance role in the process of investigation of disease outbreak is considered. For the implementation of the process for early warning and alert of biological threat, a scheme of a model of a platform for biological reconnaissance and monitoring is presented. In the model a configuration of hardware and software is used. Due to the increasing risk of use of biological weapons by terrorist organizations, the acquisition and integration of an advanced platform for monitoring and outbreak reconnaissance from the units of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Bulgaria is of key importance.


    Information-measuring system for monitoring the sanitary condition of tree stands

    Industry 4.0, Vol. 5 (2020), Issue 3, pg(s) 142-147

    The article presents the results of the development of an information-measuring system for monitoring the sanitary status of tree stands. The main purpose of such a system is to minimize the impact of the operator on the results of monitoring the sanitary status of tree stands by indirectly controlling the quality characteristics of the tree sap (by establishing the dependence of these characteristics on climatic factors) with the possibility of remote monitoring and control of the process of express control. The developed monitoring system allows to conduct a contactless (remote) survey of sensors, which are recorded in close proximity to the root system of selective trees from an array of tree plantations, and further, by mathematical treatment of climatic characteristics (acidity and salinity index, air temperature) zoning temperature health status. The system also allows you to predict the dynamics of extending the areas of tree planting. This enables those responsible for tree planting to take preventative measures to prevent such droughts. The main advantage of the developed information measurement system is its complete computerization, which eliminates a number of external subjective influences by the operator or the responsible person (necessity of visual inspection of the maximum number of trees in the array, erroneous perception of visual information, etc.). This, in turn, avoids systematic methodological errors, thereby improving the accuracy, speed and reliability of the monitoring and control results of this system.


    Real-time urban air pollution monitoring using unmanned aerial vehicles

    Innovations, Vol. 8 (2020), Issue 1, pg(s) 29-32

    Measuring pollutant gases for real-time air quality monitoring is a challenging task that claims a lot of time of observation and large numbers of sensors [1]. Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) equipped with different micro-sensors have been introduced for air quality monitoring, as they can offer new approaches and research opportunities in air pollution and emission monitoring instead of ground-based monitoring systems [2]. UAVs with mobile monitoring devices are an effective, flexible and alternative mean to collect air pollutant concentration data [3]. Hence, deployment of a fleet of UAVs could be considered as an acceptable alternative for the purpose of air monitoring [4]. The aim of this paper is to elaborate performance capabilities of UAVs for effective monitoring of air pollution, providing the ability to measure air pollutants with high sensitivities.


    Research and justification of the possibilities, relevance and correctness of the monitoring and correction of the strategy, diagnosis of the prospects of its further use on industrial enterprises

    Machines. Technologies. Materials., Vol. 13 (2019), Issue 9, pg(s) 400-403

    It is established that the main activities include: exercising control over the rational use of resources; reducing the cost of using and maintaining outdated equipment; increasing of production capacity; upgrading of equipment; improvement of production technology; production of unique products and improvement of their quality; diversification; automation of the production process by eliminating manual labor; reduction of pollutant emissions, search for new sources of raw materials; rational use of working capital and fixed assets. It is noted that marketing directions in the process of monitoring and adjusting the strategy, diagnostics and finding prospects for its further use include a set of actions concerning: exploring new markets for products; use of discount system for goods and services; application of modern pricing methods; product updates; production of new products according to existing orders; new methods of product promotion; improving customer service. The financial directions in the process of monitoring and adjusting the strategy, diagnostics and finding prospects for its further use are determined, they are aimed at providing the process of development and implementation of the IA strategy with sufficient financial resources, correlation of the planned effect with the achieved, estimation of the amount of expenses for carrying out research works, development technologies, their introduction into production, production of new products, its supply, search for consumers. The justified use of financial directions in the process of monitoring and adjusting the strategy, diagnostics and finding prospects for its further use allows to create some methods of protection from risks impact, to improve financial activity of the enterprise, to rise the effectiveness of IA organization, to increase sales volumes.. The factors of influence on the development of innovation strategy and the development of innovation activity of industrial enterprises are suggested.

  • Formation of an enterprise`s system of investment activity monitoring

    Machines. Technologies. Materials., Vol. 13 (2019), Issue 3, pg(s) 140-143

    It has been proposed to the main stages of controlling based on its business investment principles. The main features of certain types of business investment controlling have been given. An example of a priorities system of an enterprise net investment returns` controlled indicator has been formed. It has been proposed the key stages of the monitoring system` building regarding investment activity controlled indices`. Business investment activity monitoring system has been worked out.

  • Monitoring and control of cyber-physical systems – the backbone of Industry 4.0

    Industry 4.0, Vol. 3 (2018), Issue 4, pg(s) 155-157

    Monitoring and control of Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) have many challenges related to the heterogeneous environment, the high degree of interaction between the components and the high requirements for functionality and scale. The paper presents an analysis of the state of the art in this area and proposes an approach for monitoring and control of CPS through the integration of the IEC-61499 based models for distributed control systems and the IEC-61512 standard providing domain specific models for design and control of batch production processes as well as the Signal- Interpreted Petri Nets used for the purpose of formal specification and verification of unit procedures. The approach is illustrated with an example of CPS for loading a batch tank and mixing of liquid flow.



    Innovations, Vol. 6 (2018), Issue 3, pg(s) 110-112

    The article reviews the environment, radiation transformations and how they affect plants, animals and humans. A theoretical overview of the task is done. Results of measurements of the presence of radioactive isotopes in various non-living and living sites in the region of the main source of water in Veliko Tarnovo – “Yovkovtsi” dam lake and some of the obtained spectrograms are presented.